Food Science 

Year 10 Creative Cakes Competition

The two Year 10 Food Science & Technology classes have been busy all term planning, designing and producing a sugar craft decorated fruit cake. It was a flipped task in which the students researched their design and production steps at home, and then made the items in class. Students made a variety of designs from flowers, sea creatures, anime, nature, Christmas and their favourite cartoon characters.  


Students showed great commitment and resiliency to the task by problem-solving and overcoming obstacles along the way. They encouraged and helped each other turn their ideas into beautiful creations. We were very proud of the student’s finished cakes.


We celebrated their finished cakes by displaying them in the food room for staff and students to enjoy. Our judges from the leadership team, Ms Rainford, Mr Hawke and Mr Dowling awarded:


1st prize to Ashleigh Bell

2nd prize to Chanmollika Chhim and

3rd prize to Sandia Shiju 


Students all received a Westfield Carousel voucher  to enjoy during the holidays. 


Students and College staff had their chance to vote as well, and chose their top three with:


1st prize to Charlotte Brown

2nd prize to Tahlia Wilson and 

3rd prize to Orlando Tompkin-Drew


Students received a Café 135 voucher to enjoy at school. Congratulations and well done! 


Mrs Quartermain followed the students' progress with a video camera, popping in from time to time in her travels around the College. Eight weeks' worth of work has been condensed into a 10-minute video now on the College YouTube channel. Enjoy watching our students create their cakes     


Ms A Frazier (Food Science & Technology Teacher)

 and Mrs Fiona Allard (Food Assistant)