Middle Unit 

Years 1 and 2

As a part of our ‘Happy and Healthy Together!’ unit, the Year 1's and 2's have been considering how the Woodend Community works together to keep the environment healthy. We discussed the initiative of reusable produce bags and how these can be designed for the community of Woodend. Students worked over a number of lessons to consider the important elements of a produce bag; considering size, weight, method of closure and artistic design. Within given parameters, the children then designed their own produce bag by drawing and labeling their ideas. Once their design was on paper, they were given material (kindly donated by some of our parents) and began to cut the shape they wanted, and design the image with textas. Mrs Spiers and some parent volunteers then assisted the children to sew their bags and help with the closure of their choice.


The children were very proud of their finished products. They recognised that a first attempt would not always be their best, and were able to discuss and brainstorm improvements to future designs.

Science Challenge - Week 6

Science Newsletter Challenge – The Tallest Spaghetti Tower

Make the tallest tower you can out of spaghetti and sticky tape. Take a photo of your tower with you standing next to it and send your photo to your classroom teacher. Photos must be received by your teacher no later than Wednesday 12th June. Awards will be given to the tallest tower built by a child in years F-2, 3-4 and 5-6. Have fun and good luck!

Year 3

We are so proud of all our hard working mathematicians in Year 3!


Over the last few weeks we have been busy learning about Time, 3-D Shapes and Chance. We are continuing to work on telling the time on an analogue clock. We have been doing daily practise and playing time games.


In 3-D Shapes we have been learning how to tell the difference between pyramids and triangular prisms. MU7 and MU8 came together to make some great pyramids and triangular prisms out of newspaper.


Test our knowledge of Chance and Probability! We have been using chance words like “certain, likely, not likely, no chance, even chance”. We have been tossing coins, rolling dice, using spinners and pulling colours out of paper bags. We are great at making predictions and finding outcomes.


All Year 3’s looked fabulous on Pirate Day! Thank you to all the parents for helping students with their costumes and for your kind donations.


Here is a collection of photos from our week!

Science Challenge - Week 6

Science Newsletter Challenge – The Tallest Spaghetti Tower

Make the tallest tower you can out of spaghetti and sticky tape. Take a photo of your tower with you standing next to it and send your photo to your classroom teacher. Photos must be received by your teacher no later than Wednesday 12th June. Awards will be given to the tallest tower built by a child in years F-2, 3-4 and 5-6. Have fun and good luck!