From the Acting Principal,

Victoria Graham

Pirate Day

Once again our Pirate Day was extremely well supported by students and staff. The costumes were amazing and the students experienced a range of fun filled pirate activities throughout the day. A very big thank you to Ms Meggs who volunteered to take on the organisation on such short notice and to everyone for their participation and getting into the pirate spirit. I believe the highlight was the “Arrh me Hearties” best pirate impersonation at assembly and Mr Condon informs me that he, by far, won the teacher competition. 


Woodend Primary School raised $526.60 for Kids Brain Cancer. Congratulations everyone! 


At tomorrow’s Assembly you will notice that we will be trialing a different layout.

Even though we now have our new hall, we are still finding it challenging to fit everyone in and have enough space to celebrate our students who are receiving awards or presenting an item. 

First Aid

On Saturday all staff completed their Level 2 First Aid training. This is something we are required to do every 3 years. While there are many situations we are unlikely to experience at school, staff felt the course provided us with the information and skills to confidently deal with various situations we may encounter at school. It also provided a good opportunity to reflect on how we would respond to different scenarios.


Our first ‘Clubs’ session was held yesterday and was a huge success. Thank you to Miss Geer for organising this and for all of the staff who helped supervise students. Clubs will be held every Monday and Wednesday lunch times. On Monday students can participate in Gardening, Reading/Calming Colouring in the library or play games in the hall with the Year 5/6 Play Leaders, (Foundation -2). On Wednesday, students have the choice of Board Games in the music room, Reading/Lego in the library or games in the hall with the Play Leaders (Years 3-6). On the first day, it was great to see so many students taking the opportunity.

Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Earlier in the term we held a parent information session which was run by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. The evening was well attended and we received some positive feedback on the content and overall presentation. Here are some useful resources from the evening that parents might like to peruse, which include useful tips for parents around social media, internet and technology in the home.

Queen's Birthday - Public Holiday

Please remember that next Monday is a public holiday for the Queen’s Birthday and there will be no school. It has probably come at the perfect time for families to take the opportunity to rest and recharge for the final few weeks of term. If you are travelling, please stay safe on the roads.