On Wednesday 19th May 95 students from Brighton SC went to Karkarook Park to compete in the Kingston Cross Country Carnival. The weather was kind and gave us a beautiful sunny Autumn day for the students to run in. By the end of the day 25 students had qualified for the South Metropolitan Region Finals in June. Our greatest achievements came in the first and last races of the day.


To start the day off the 17-20 year old girls ran and Brighton managed to secure 1st (Annie Lang), 2nd (Sydney James) and 3rd (Hannah Black). These girls lead from the start of the race and only had themselves to beat. It was an awesome way to kick off the day and the group walked away with their individual medal, team medal and team flag for winning the teams event in their age group. Kiani Bishop is the fourth member of the team that will join them at the SMR finals.


The last race of the day was the 12-13 year old boys which had the biggest field of the day. The race was fast from the start as the boys tried to keep up with the leading few. The race ended up finishing 50 seconds faster than it did in 2019 and that was due to the two National level runners that were leading the way. Brighton came in a very strong 2nd (Ethan Miller) and he will join the rest of the Brighton runners at the SMR finals.


Well done to everyone that ran on the day and good luck to those that are through to the SMR finals.

Alisia Simmons

Director of Sport

Year 7 Student Co-Manager