Acting Principal's Report

Michelle Mackenlay


After Mrs Pratt retired, a Selection Panel was established to appoint a new school Principal. The panel included School Council, Teacher and Department of Education Representatives. Interviews were held recently and we are proud to announce that Ms Michelle Makenlay was the successful applicant.

Michelle Mackenlay has accepted the position of Principal of Clyde Primary School and will take up her new role at the beginning of Term 3.  We would like to congratulate Michelle on her new role and future endeavours at Clyde Primary School and we look forward to working with you.


Jeewat Kaur Singh,

School Council President



Curriculum Day

We have a Curriculum Day on Monday 19th July (Week 2 of Term 3). No students should attend on this day. On this day our teachers will be participating in professional learning around Student Voice, Agency and Leadership, as outlined below.


Student Voice – Opportunities for students to collaborate and make decisions with adults around what and how their learning is assessed.

Student Agency – The power to direct and take responsibility for their learning, creating independent and self-regulating learners.

Student Leadership – Listening to and clarifying the issues of the students they represent and advocating on their behalf.


School Production

In Term 3 our whole school production will be performed at the stunning Bunjil Place Theatre.

Due to the size of our school there will be two separate casts and two performances of our production titled “Zoo Trouble”. Our performances will be Cast A on Tuesday the 31st of August and Cast B on Wednesday the 1st of September. Our scripts have been finalised and your child will have received their script this week so that they can practise their dialogue over the holidays.


Drama education is proven to help build confidence and concentration. It helps develop language and communication skills as well as team building skills and leadership qualities. As well as being a fantastic community event, drama also helps our students to develop their emotional intelligence. 


Our story this year takes place at a zoo which is falling apart and due to be closed down. Upon hearing this news the animals all decide that it is up to them to save the zoo. As the story progresses we see an array of different species try to take it upon themselves to save the zoo. Will the animals succeed, or is the zoo doomed forever? Will they ever come together and realise the importance of team work to achieve their goal? 


As there are two performances the classes are split into two casts. These two casts are split as follows. 


Cast A performing on Tuesday the 31st of August

Foundation A

Foundation B 








Half of 4C

5/6 A

5/6 B

Half of 5/6 E


Cast B performing on Wednesday the 1st of September

Foundation C

Foundation D








Half of 4C

5/6 C

5/6 D

Half of 5/6 E






We understand that the split casts may require some families to attend both nights. In the past, parents and carers have taken this opportunity to take their child to their siblings performance and/or attend the other show with a grandparent or special guest. There will be no limit on ticket sales.

Costume design requirements will be announced early next term so that you can have an idea of what is required for your child’s costume.


We look forward to sharing the fun and excitement with you next term as our story comes together. Our whole school will also have a full day dress rehearsal on their day of performing at Bunjil Place Theatre. This is an amazing opportunity for our students to see how professional theatre shows and set design are created and organised. 


100 Days of School

Our Foundation students will be celebrating their 100th day of school next term! 



On Friday 23rd July, you may see many of our youngest students dressed as some of our oldest. As part of their celebrations, the students will come dressed as 100 year olds, as well as learning about the number 100 and celebrating the learning they have achieved this year.


Breakfast Club

A huge thankyou to those who have visited our Breakfast Club during Term 2. It has been fantastic to see so many of our students coming in every Tuesday and Friday morning for a delicious breakfast – what a great way to start the day!

We have a dedicated roster of parent volunteers who assist with the running of our Breakfast Club each week. We could not offer this program without this community support and we would like to thank them for their contributions. However, many hands make light work and we are always looking for more parents and friends to help out. If this interests you, or you would like more information, please contact the school office.

Breakfast Club will reopen during Term 3, starting from Friday July 16. We look forward to seeing you there!


Happy Holidays

I would like to wish everyone a lovely and safe holiday break.

Well done to our students for another term of hard work and success, both at school and during remote learning.  We are looking forward to a busy Term 3, which begins on Monday 12th July.


Michelle Mackenlay