From the Director of Students

Mr Baldino Vetrano

Dear College Community,


It has been a very busy time around the College, many wonderful things have been happening behind the scenes and I hope to capture these moments through this newsletter article. 


As the Years 7 - 10 students finish their exams, it was amazing to witness how focused and committed they were in attempting to complete their exams to the best of their ability. With the pressure of exams now out of the way, the young men are now focusing on finishing off the term on a very positive note. 


Champagnat Day 2021

This year’s Champagnat Day was met with a lot of enthusiasm! Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side, the cold and wet morning did not help, but the young men of St Greg’s persevered through a cold winter’s morning. Many of the students enjoyed the carnival rides and events offered on the day, not to mention all the food items available.


Champagnat Mass on Friday was also a wonderful event; for Kindergarten, it was their first College Mass. Many of our students from Kindergarten to Year 12 were acknowledged with special awards and recommendations! 


The singing at Mass returned at full volume, for many of our younger students, it was the first time they experienced such an event. 


Brother Paul Gallagher Funeral

I would like to commend our Year 11 cohort on the way they conducted themselves with respect and reverence during Brother Paul Gallagher’s funeral. Students formed a guard of honour outside the chapel and sang the Sub Tuum. It was certainly a fitting way of supporting the funeral procession out of the College grounds. 


Student Welfare - Vaping

A few weeks ago, the College Leadership Team and our Year 7 Leader, Mr Mitchell O’Brien, met with parents at the Parent Forum to present on Vaping and E-cigarettes. The presentation gave parents a detailed understanding of what vapes are and how they work. In particular, the College detailed current trends and statics associated with vaping. 


For further support please refer to the article below: 


College Merit System Update

As we head towards the end of Term 2, I would like to congratulate all students on their ongoing achievements. 


A special congratulations to Justin Susnjara (Year 7) who leads the College this year with 105 points. This is an amazing achievement! Well done.


Best wishes,

Mr Baldino Vetrano

Director of Students