Principal's Message

Rise to the Challenge

SCS Drama Eisteddfod

Congratulations to our drama students who received a Highly Commended for their performance at the Sydney Catholic Schools Eisteddfod on Friday 4 June. What an outstanding achievement for their first time performing as a group! Thank you Mrs McInness for preparing and inspiring our students! 


Parents will have the opportunity to watch the dance, drama and choir performances on Thursday 24 June at 9am in the hall. 


Semester 1 Reports

Semester 1 reports will be released on this Friday 11 June. Reports will be electronic and accessed through Compass. Please make sure your Compass App is working so you can access the report.

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

As was the case in Term 1, the students are also asked to attend these conferences with their parents. Please make a booking through Compass for your conference. 


This will be a great chance for them to share how they have been progressing with their learning goals this year and contribute to the discussion about strategies going forward to continue to support their learning. 


We know from both experience and contemporary research that when teachers and parents are working together, great gains can be made in student learning. These gains are obviously even more powerful when the students themselves are totally invested and supported. 


I encourage you to talk to your children about their school report over the weekend. Open-ended, non-judgemental questions can stimulate great discussion. Even the youngest of children have the ability to express the answers to some of the following questions: 

  • What areas or topics do you enjoy learning about?
  • What areas of topics are you good at? How do you know?
  • What do you find the most challenging and why?
  • How have you improved in your learning and how do you know?
  • How do you feel about your report?
  • Do you think the teacher has got it right?
  • What is a goal that you are working towards in your learning?

Children generally know what helps and hinders their learning at school and we can often be provided with great insights when we tap into their self-assessments.

Open Morning

All parents are welcome to attend Open Day on Tuesday 15 June. This is a time for parents to view learning in action. Feel free to visit other classrooms to observe a range of learning experiences. 

Tell Them From Me - Invitation for parents and carers to complete survey

Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) is encouraging all families to contribute to this year’s “Tell Them From Me” (TTFM) online surveys for families.


SCS Executive Director, Mr Tony Farley, is asking all Galilee families and staff members to complete this year’s TTFM surveys which are aimed at gathering “perception” and “planning” data for our school system.


Information collected in the Galilee TTFM survey data “set” will be used for our school’s future planning. Students in Years 4 to 6 classes are also being asked to complete the TTFM survey instrument for students. If you do not wish your child to complete the survey please email:


The survey “window” is now open (until Friday 18 June) and parents/carers can use the link below to access the survey. Thank you very much in anticipation of completing the TTFM survey. TTFM link is below.

Parent Volunteers

Do you want to help out with excursions, walk-a-thon, reading in the classroom, carnivals, gala days and library?


ALL volunteers need to do the following:

Gain a Working With Children Check (WWCC). To do this you need to fill in the online form from Roads and Maritime Services and take it to their office. This is free of charge for volunteers.


Once you have a WWCC number, complete the online Sydney Catholic Schools registration process via SCS Online Induction for Volunteers.  


Then, forward approval from SCS to


A “Safe School Expectations” Form is available at the office for you to sign and return.


If you already have a WWCC number you don’t need to get another one, however the SCS online induction must be completed.


Once you have a WWCC number, complete the online Sydney Catholic Schools registration process via SCS Online Induction for Volunteers. If you have already completed the SCS volunteer induction, you do not need to compelte the online portal.  


Then, forward approval from SCS to

Lost Property 

The number of jumpers and cardigans sitting in the lost property bin is staggering. Names are not on items or the names have been washed off and unable to read. If your child has lost a jumper, please ask them to look for it or come in and have a look yourself before or after school. Items remaining will soon be given to the school Uniform Shop for resale in the second-hand items.

School Wide Positive Behaviours for Learning

Galilee follows the principles of the SPBL (School-wide Positive Behaviour for Learning) Framework. SPBL is a whole school program which focuses on the expectations of being learners who are safe, respectful learners.  Every 4 weeks a new expected behaviour is the focus. This particular behaviour is taught and modelled to the students. Students are rewarded for meeting the expectations with a token. Students tally their appreciation tokens in order to receive SPBL Award, SPBL Bronze Award, SPBL Silver Award and SPBL Gold Award. 




Anna Novak
