Principal Team Editorial 

Remote Learning 4.0


The more things change the more they stay the same! It was incredibly disappointing for lockdown and restrictions to be reinstated in the last week. The transition to remote learning is never easy or preferred but we all have to play our part to ensure that we all stay safe. Our overwhelming preference is to have students onsite in classes, and we have enjoyed having the Year 11 and 12s back today, but importantly look forward to having all students onsite from next Friday. 


I would like to particularly acknowledge both teachers and parents who are working hard to support students with their learning through this period. I know for many like my daughter (in Year 7 at another school) who struggles at school, remote learning can widen an already broad gap in their learning. I would acknowledge that for many remote learning is difficult but I know that our teachers and parents are doing their best in a situation that is not ideal. I also take my hat off to students who are demonstrating enormous resilience and continue to work hard in a challenging environment. 

One of the worst things about lockdowns is the cancellation of events. In my sister’s case she has postponed her wedding three times!!! Unfortunately we had a number of exciting events for our students scheduled during this time and it is incredibly disappointing to have to cancel or postpone them. We will do our best to make up for these lost experiences.

Year 7 Camp

Fortunately the timing of Year 7 camp worked out and we were not impacted by the recent pandemic events. We completed it just in time before the latest lockdown was implemented. I want to say a big thankyou to Kathleen Timms for her organisation of this important event and to all of the passionate teachers who attended and enabled a memorable experience for our Year 7s.  Having our Year 10 peer support leaders attend also makes our camp even more special with the Year 7s being supported not just by their teachers but by some of their slightly older peers as well. The feedback from the Year 7s was positive and it is another important step ticked off in the transition to secondary school.


Kevin Murphy
