A message from the Principal

Developing a group of entrepreneurs... 

As we get into the swing of term 2, it is great to see many of our favourite routines and events return after COVID cancelled most of them in 2020.


Already this term our Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) for Years Foundation - 2 is back up and running. PMP is a movement-based program which helps younger students improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills. The teachers in F-2 are always keen for parent helpers for these sessions so please look out for requests directly from your class teacher or class rep.


For better or worse, this week also sees our Year 3 and Year 5 students take part in NAPLAN testing after it was cancelled last year. The classes have been working hard with their teachers to get ready for the tests and we know they wil feel calm and confident to show us their best on the four tests whch run from Tuesday - Thursday of this week.


Most excitingly however was our Year 6 Market Day taking place last Friday. 



There are many aims of market day. 


First and foremost, is to provide a solid and authentic learning experience for our eldest students in collaboration, leadership, organisation and financial literacy as they are working in groups to divide, plan and deliver suitable enterprise for the other students in the school.



Examples of the small businesses they created included;


 - Smoothies at the Movies - freshly made fruit smoothies and a short film

- A disco in the Performing Arts room

- A spooky 'haunted house' in the Art Room.

- A basketball shooting competition with prizes

- Freshly made bubble tea for sale



The second aim for market day is a fundraising aspect which sees all profits go towards the Year 6 graduation ceremony and celebrations in December. We believe that expecting our Year 6 leaders to fund their own ceremony provides an aspect of ownership which they would otherwise lack and hopefully increases their sense of satisfaction and enjoyment come the end of the year.


Finally, market day is simply a fun and engaging whole-school activity which students from Foundation to Year 5 love taking part in.



I am happy to say that last Friday afternoon delivered on all three of these aims and we look forward to working with the year 6s this week to count their takings, calculate their profit and reflect on their successes and frustrations.


I would like to acknowledge Mel Borella and the Year 5/6 team for their hard work, stress and constant support to make the day such a great success.


Neil Scott
