Year 10 Work Experience 2021
Once again in 2021 we intend offering our Year 10 students the opportunity to participate in a Block Work Experience Program for one week, in a placement of their choice from the 19th July until the 23rd of July (second week of Term 3).
A major component of the program is for students to be active participants in the organising of the placement of their choice. It is also recognised that many students need support in finding their placements. To access this support I need them to come and make contact with me ASAP.
For the Work Experience to be organised the following documents and tasks need to be completed:
- The Work Experience Arrangement Form.
- The Work Experience Travel and Accommodation Form.
- Additional Work Experience Form (Covid-19).
- Two Safe@Work Occupational Health and Safety Modules, one general and one specific to the industry in which the student will be undertaking the Work Experience.
In order for the required Work Experience Forms to be completed prior to signing, I will require the following information with regard to a placement:
- The Business Name;
- The Business Address;
- The Business Contact person – both First and Surname;
- The Business Phone contact;
- The Business email.
Year 10 students who are undertaking a VET Program as part of their studies are encouraged to undertake the Work Placement component of the VET Program during Work Experience Week.
If you have any questions or there is any reason your child may not be able to participate in a Work Experience placement during these dates, please contact me as soon as possible on 0438890280 or by my email (
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Mr Cook
Careers/MIPS Co-ordinator