Cranbourne Campus News

When storm clouds loom, don’t be tempted to look down. Always look up.’

Remote schooling under a snap lockdown challenges us all. Day-to-day uncertainty that revolves around lunchtime press releases, has become something of an uncomfortable new norm. When once the normal greeting that followed ‘G'day’, was ‘How’s the family?’ or ‘How’s work?’, it has now been replaced with, ‘Have you heard how many there were today?’ 

As I sit to scribe these musings, I do so with a sense of hope that maybe this week we will experience a small win in the present battle we face in the war on COVID, and that all students will return to school Friday and businesses will spring back to life. And it is within this climate that I direct our parents, guardians, and students toward the various supports that are in place for you at St. Peter’s College. Later in this publication, you can read a little more about the Counselling Service that is offered at St. Peter’s College, specifically with Nadia, Lana, and Sara on the Cranbourne campus,  and I encourage you to make use of this resource. Equally, we have other formal support within our House structure via Learning advisors, House Leaders, the Pastoral Care Leader and College Leadership team - you are only an email or phone call away. However, in many instances, the most important and immediate support that we receive (and for that matter that we can offer others), is that which comes from the simple smile and encouraging word of a friend, or the genuine interest shown by a teacher. Sometimes when the clouds of uncertainty and doubt gather, as they have been recently, it can lead us to look inward and downward rather than upward and forward and so this reminder, that we are there for you, should actually be something that you do not need reminding of.  If as a College we are living out our Christian and Petrine mission effectively, then you should not need the reminder of the support and care that the staff at St. Peter’s College has for you…. Especially in these uncertain times.

Year 11 Leadership Day

On Tuesday of this week the Year 11 students participated in their Year 11 Leadership day. The date nestling perfectly between exams and Semester 2, the Year 11 Leadership day was expertly organised by Pastoral Care Leader Cathy Michael and was facilitated by our wonderful House Leaders who were excited for this important formation opportunity. The training day had a focus of supporting our senior students to become more self reflective and consider their own personal leadership journey. They were reminded that there are leaders who step forward to take on formal roles and then there are leaders from within the populous whose role is in supporting and validating the persons out the front, giving those leaders a foundation upon which to convert dreams and vision into reality. And in their own act of servant leadership, the catering for the Leadership day was the domain of the St. Peter's College VCafe involving some delicious snacks and meal option prepared and served by our senior VCAL class.  Bookending the Leadership day was the age old adage of “If not me, then who? And If not now, then when?”,  which inspires us to see a need, judge what can be done and to act, for change.

Leadership Day



Mr Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus