Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
Thank you those those magnificent mums who have provided such support this past week to some of our families facing challenging times. Your care, compassion, gentleness and time is inspiring to watch and makes me so proud to be a member of our school community.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Gospel of Matthew 5:3-10
Some Clarity
A notification in last term's newsletter has caused some comment and confusion amongst a number of our parents, most probably because I did not explain the situation with my principalship tenure clearly. I hope the following clears any confusion. My initial principal appointment of five years ends at the conclusion of the current school year. Late last year I was notified on behalf of my Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Regional Manager, and offered another five year contract which I duly accepted. It has been my privilege to work with our dedicated staff to guide our school and play my part in creating an environment where we are challenging ourselves to achieve improved school practices. I love the Sacred Heart School community and look forward to the next part of my principalship, being an integral part of the continued development of our school.
As in the general community, so COVID is quite prevalent amongst our parent population with three families contacting me in this first week back at school to say that either mum or dad or in one case, both parents have tested positive. Whilst we have not had a student catch COVID for a number of weeks, I ask that all families take care. We will fully support families who decide that they would like their child to wear a mask at school. We have boxes of masks to give any student whose parents wish for them to wear a mask. If you are one of these parents, please do not hesitate to contact me, Cristina in the office or your child's teacher.
To this effect I have attached a letter below from the three education sectors (received on Tuesday 19th July) asking parents and guardians to seriously consider the wearing of masks up until the end of the winter period.
School Video
The video that was shot earlier this year to promote our school to prospective families is now published and on our school website. The YouTube link below will also take you to our video. I hope like me, you feel it captures the very essence of our school.
Some Important New Dates For Your Calendar
After a hiatus caused by COVID protocols, we are excited to announce these events happening over the next two terms.
Dinner Dance: Friday 18th November
Sports Day at Parade Preston: Monday 31st October
Football Day: Friday 2nd September
Whole School Assembly 2.40pm: Thursday 28th July
Erin has been teaching our students and staff how to great each other of a morning and afternoon using AUSLAN. The following videos of Year Two student Brenton show him saying "Good Morning" and Tristian "Good Afternoon". Our students are loving learning AUSLAN. Upon being shown the morning and afternoon greetings, Shamus asked to be shown how to say "Good Night" in AUSLAN. He shows us how in his video.
Enrolments for 2023
Whilst enrolments for Year Prep 2023 unofficially closed at the end of last term, we still have positions for Year Prep in 2023. We will therefore continue to take applications. If you know of any families who would like a tour, please encourage them to contact the school by phone or email.
Joke Corner (from the Parish Bulletin)
A Catholic priest announces at Mass one day, "I will be in Rome next week. If any of you have a wish, I will light a candle in Rome so that the wish will come true." A woman announces, "My husband and I have been married for several years, but have never borne any children. Can you light a candle so that we can have children?" "I will happily do that," says the priest. Five years later, the woman says to the priest, "Since you went to Rome and lit that candle, I have given birth to two pairs of twins and a set of triplets, and now I am pregnant with quadruplets!" She then gives the priest a plane ticket to Rome. "You are too kind," says the priest. "You don't need to thank me." "I'm not thanking you Father," says the woman. "I just want you to go back and blow out that candle."
Take care.
Yours Sincerely
Mark Tierney
Dancing Classes conducted by Jayde mum of our new student Christopher