Grade 3/4 News
Week 6, Term 3
Grade 3/4 News
Week 6, Term 3
Students have had an absolute blast during National Science Week! At the beginning of the week, students were introduced to 'Rube Goldberg Machines' which use a set of reactions, working in succession, to trigger one event after another until the final event is triggered.
After completing their initial designs on paper, students used resources brought from home to create their own Rube Goldberg Machines. They used precision, patience and perseverance to complete this task. Well done to all of our students for their fantastic efforts!
Camp Kookaburra is almost here and we are very excited for our Grade 4s to enjoy another camp experience this term. Some of the activities we will be participating in include:
Students will need to pack morning tea and lunch for the first day of camp. A 'What to Bring' sheet has also been sent home this week in preparation for this upcoming event.
There are a couple of containers of lunch boxes, drink bottles and clothing that are unclaimed from Camp Wilkin. Please see the ladies in the office if know are missing an item or two.
Mathematics: Students are working diligently learning all about 'Time' in our Fluid Maths sessions. This topic will continue during Week 7 before we move onto 'Chance & Probability' in Week 8. In our weekly Applied Maths sessions, students created an 'Input/Output' robot that demonstrated a number pattern with a set rule. We will continue looking at 'Patterns & Algebra' during Week 7 and move onto 'Measurement' in Week 8.
Writing & Reading: Throughout our Informative Writing sessions, students completed a booklet that involved researching the definition, causes and effects of a particular disability. This fortnight we will revisit Narrative Writing and further explore the different features of a Narrative text. In Reading, we will consider how to infer meaning from the texts we read.
Topic: Students are working hard to produce a brochure all about a disability of their choice. They are continuing to develop their research skills to locate information and communicate key facts about their chosen disability in a clear manner. They are also enjoying having the opportunity explore the features of Microsoft Publisher as they use this application to create their brochures.