Grade 1/2 News

Term 3, Week 4

Grade 1 and 2 Reminders:

  • There are now a number of events open on Compass for families to provide permission and payment. Thanks to the families who have already done this!
  • Friday 26th, August: Book Week Dress Up and Blurbs Incursion
  • Thursday 1st, September: On this date we are off to the Melbourne Zoo! Please see the Compass post regarding the chance to volunteer on this excursion. Each student is required to bring the following items on the day:
    • Small back pack that they are able to carry around with them all day. The backpack needs to include a recess snack, fruit and lunch with disposable packaging to avoid loss or breakage. A labelled drink bottle.
    • School Uniform
    • Comfortable shoes are to be worn as we will be on our feet all day. 
    • School hat as we will be walking around outside for most of the day. 
    • If the weather is cold, please ensure your child has a school jumper and a wet weather jacket. 

What we have been up to...

On Friday 5th, August we enjoyed dressing up and wearing our Pyjamas to school! Students were proud to be supporting their SRC to raise money for extra lunchtime activities, following the opportunity to have their say and vote on what we were fundraising for!


Last week students enjoyed learning all about Italy. They learnt lots of facts, designed a pizza and played Bocce!

Throughout our Topics unit of ‘Celebrating Differences’, your child is being immersed in perspectives of daily life from different cultures and the perspectives of people from different generations.

During this week, they learnt about Chinese culture by learning about a traditional Chinese game. With your help, your child is going to learn about games that you played growing up.

Please participate in a discussion with your child about a game that you played growing up, and how you played it.

Upcoming Fortnight:

Term 3  - Week 7 and 8


Literacy:  Our focus in Reading over the next fortnight will be practising the strategies 'Ask questions throughout the reading process'  and 'Summarise the text' to help develop our comprehension skills. Sound Waves lessons will look at the sounds 'oa' as in boat and 'ar' as in star. Our writing focus will continue to be Information Reports - with lots of practise writing reports about animals.


Mathematics: During week 7 students will continue to learn about money - recognising, ordering and counting small collections. In week 8, we will begin learning about fractions, including two collections of equal size, halves and quarters. During Applied Mathematics sessions students will focus on mapping.


Topic: In Week 7, students will learn about the Indian culture by learning about Diwali; a festival of lights that is celebrated by Hindus. Please talk to your child about events that you celebrated or commemorated in the past.


The students will have a chance to share about their discussions with their family (game and celebrations) in week 9 during our Culture ‘Show and Tell’ week.