Upcoming Events
Please also refer to the Compass Calendar & Compass Events for more real-time information and to complete all payments and consents.
Upcoming Events
Please also refer to the Compass Calendar & Compass Events for more real-time information and to complete all payments and consents.
TERM 3, 2022
Monday 5th - Friday 19th | National Science Week |
Monday 15th | 2022 Parent /Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey - opens |
Friday 19th | Curriculum Day - no school |
Monday 22nd | Professional Practice Day - no school |
Monday 22nd - Friday 26th | Book Week - Dreaming With Eyes Open.... |
Friday 26th | Book Week - Dress Up Day Book Week incursion - The Blurbs |
Wednesday 31st | Grade 4 - Camp Kookaburra |
Thursday 1st - Friday 2nd | Grade 4 - Camp Kookaburra |
Thursday 1st | Preps - Ballarat Wildlife Park Grade 1/2 - Melbourne Zoo Division Basketball (Selected students only) |
Thursday 8th - Thursday 15th | Prep to Gr 6 - Let's Get Moving Program |
Monday 12th | Division Athletics (Selected students only) |
Thursday 15th | 2022 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey - closes |
Friday 16th | Footy Colours Day End of Term 3 - dismissal @ 2:15pm |
Monday 3rd | Term 4 commences |
Monday 10th | Region Athletics (Selected students only) |
Wednesday 26th | Bendigo Cup Day - no school |
Term 3 - 11th July to 16th September (2:15pm dismissal)
Term 4 - 3rd October to 20th December (1:15pm dismissal)