Celebration of 


Senior Urban Camp


Our Senior School students had a fantastic time at Urban Camp last week! We travelled on public transport, saw plenty of amazing sights and had more fun than we thought possible! We crammed lots of activities into the three days we were away, and walked over 35km in this time. We look forward to sharing some of our students’ recounts about their time away in the next edition of the Newsletter!  


Foundation Chicks found their new homes


A very BIG thank you to the families who adopted our baby chicks. They have all found lovely homes, are settled in and are growing very fast! 

We hope you will soon enjoy some delicious eggs! We will share some photos of the chicks as they grow when we receive them.

Chicks settled in at the Clifts home
Chicks settled in at the Clifts home


Foundation 100 days of School excitement



Foundation Fun


Our foundation students are starting to write short stories of two to three sentences. Kyson and Parker have been working hard on their letter formation and learning about sentence structure. They are very proud of their efforts! 

A big thank-you and sad farewell to Miss Gruer who has spent 9 weeks with our FG  class this year. She is a Deakin University fourth year student who is now ready to take a class of her own! 

Missing you already! All our best wishes. 

Our creative play lunchtime club draws all ages. It is a delight to see everyone mixing and supporting each other like one big happy family. We love Somerville PS. 

We love it when our Foundation students plan and prepare for their show and tell! Nate took his turn very seriously and even wore a costume! These skills help our students to develop creative ideas when they write stories and to share facts in a systematic way! Well done Nate! 


Pyjama Day 


It was so wonderful to see everyone all dressed up in their cosy pyjamas and comfy clothes. On Friday the 22nd of July all students and staff dressed up in their best pj’s to raise money for children in foster care. The SRC members did a wonderful job in organising this great fundraiser. We’re pleased to announce that we raised $365! 

Thank you so much to everyone that got involved.