Health Centre News


We are seeing more and more concussions this year and wanted to ensure we are following protocol in regard to this.  A student with a suspected concussion must be taken to the emergency department or to a doctor to be assessed. If they are with you whilst they sustain a concussion please ensure they are assessed before returning them to boarding. Boarding is a noisy and bright environment and we have learnt it is not always suitable for a person recovering from concussion. Ideally the student should go home for 48 hours to rest post concussion following the Health Department guidelines. Following this the Health Department recommend a gradual return to physical activity, please find the latest relevant information here.  Please make contact with the Health Centre for clarification on concussion protocols.

A copy of the standard letter set out by the Australian Sports Commission on concussion can be found below.  This letter is used by medical practitioners when a student has sustained a concussion.  

Head Lice Checks

Head lice checks were completed last week in the lovely sunshine, we complete this at the beginning of every term to ensure we keep the lice in check.