Endeavour House News

Welcome to Semester Two, it was lovely to see all the Endeavour boarders return with stories of warm holidays and restful times. 


We have started the term by discussing friendships. I follow ‘Girls Thriving’ on social media and they recently shared a post on 20 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Friendship. I read the list to the group and hopefully this gives them some food for thought on their friendships. Number One: Not everyone is going to like you. And that is okay. 

It would be great if parents had a look and also have this chat with your child. 


I would like to share Year Seven student Azriel Bin Omar's speech from the NAIDOC assembly with you. We are so proud of her brave effort to speak in front of the whole school in her first year at GSG. Please enjoy her story:


Hi my name is Azriel Bin Omar and I’m here to share  about who I am and where I’m from. 

Naji Wah da gee in Djugun means how are you everyone?

I’m from the Kimberley region which is the North west of Western Australia. I was born in Broome. 


My family are spread throughout the Kimberley. From the East Kimberley, the GAJERRONG, GIJA and JARU people. From the West Kimberley the DJUGUN, Nyikina and Karajarri people of Broome. Also the Bard People of the Dampier Peninsular. 


I am blessed to be from the Kimberley and going home always makes my Lyian, my inner being- my inner spirit feel good. Going out bush on country is so healing. Being able to fish, hunt, listen to old stories and learn about bush foods makes me feel happy and more connected to the country I’m from. Also being able to laugh and fun with my family. 


This year’s NAIDOC  theme is GET UP , STAND UP , SHOW UP  and to me is like me being here at GSG and having the opportunity to come here for my education. I feel privileged to be able to represent my mob. I was told by my dad education is power, so going through the homesick times, missing my family, feeling sad and alone is a sacrifice that I make. Once I finish school and graduate I will be able to make change and become a future leader for my mob. 


This term our Flexischools lunch order day is on Tuesday and Wednesday is the day that Middle School boarders go to the Dining Hall for lunch. 


Happy birthday to Fenella O'Neill who celebrated her birthday in Sydney in the holidays and to Katelyn Ferry and Sophie Harris who celebrated their birthdays in Week Two. 

Mrs Tara Ball | Head of Endeavour House