Recreation News

Recreation continues this term with the schedule each week posted on the parent messenger group. If you aren’t seeing it or would like to be added to a messenger group please make contact with us. 


We are very pleased that the Eclipse House boarders showed strong leadership and have asked that we slightly change the way we plan recreation for them. We have been encouraging them to become more engaged in recreation, last week they asked if on Monday night with the supervisor they could come up with some suitable ideas and then Mrs Scott, our fabulous recreation organiser, can add these options to the Rec schedule. We hope that this plan leads to recreation options that they are interested in and prepared to attend.


Last week, the Sydney Dance Company was in Albany and we offered this, along with the often enjoyed Skate Park, Spotlight game, gym session and the Tree Planting on Sunday for recreation.  Additionally, there were options to attend a photographic exhibition at the Library, ALAC Pool and Slide and cupcake making. 


The fire pit is always popular at this time of year and it was burning away at sunset beside Eclipse House on Sunday. Anchorage boarders love fishing and many went along to the movies during the first weekend back. The Breaksea boarders find a cuppa or a milkshake at the Strawberry Farm or another cafe more appealing. We found that Paragon Games was fun for the Middle School boarders who attended during the first weekend.