STAC Group News

We are well into Term 3 and the STAC group have been busy planning several fundraising and community activities for Term 3 and 4. Here’s a running down on what’s coming up.


Meet and Greet with the Principal

Parents are invited to join our new principal, Michelle Bruitzman for a cuppa and a chat. The meet and greet will be held in the Parent’s Lounge. 


 Wednesday 31st August 2.30pm – 3.15pm



Father’s Day Stall


Our Father’s Day stall will be held on Wednesday 31st August. 


We will be calling on parents to help on the Tuesday 30th to set up and on the Wednesday 31st to run the stall and help with pack up. 


More information on how you can help will be posted on the STAC Group Seesaw app shortly. 


Footy Day


This year we will be bringing back our beloved Footy Day. Students will be able to dress in their teams colours, order a special footy day lunch and join in a range of footy day activities. 


Footy Day will be held on the last day of term 3 – Friday 16th September.

 We are looking for 1 or 2 parent who can help co-ordinate the footy day lunch for students. Any interested parents can email Parent helpers will also be needed on the day to assist in the canteen. 

More information on what students can select for their footy day lunch will be sent out later in the month. 


Teacher Support Working Bees


To provide our amazing teachers with a little bit of help we are bringing back our Working Bees.  Our Working Bees involves parents volunteering some of their time to help with tasks such as laminating, binding and other jobs preparing classroom resources.   By providing this help to our teachers, they can focus on what’s most important, teaching our kids.  


We are looking at doing regular Working Bees and will communicate dates on the STAC Group Seesaw app.   It’s also a great opportunity to meet with and create friendships with other parents. 


Bingo Night Fundraiser


In term 4, (a date in October to be confirmed) we are looking to hold a major fundraising Bingo night that will be fun and inclusive for our parents and friends. The event will be an adult only event, held in our school hall, outside school hours. 


We will require several parent to helpers with the planning and organizing of the event as well as on the night.  We will also be reaching out to our school and large community of donations of prizes for the event. 


We invite parents to email if they would like to be part of the Planning Committee or can assist with donations/prizes. 



Carols on the Green

This year’s school carols and end of year celebration will be held on Thursday 15th December. As we want this to be a community event and an opportunity for all parents to hear their child/children sing, mingle and catch up with teachers and other others we are looking to provide carting options that don’t require any our parents to cook a sausage. 

Food vans and pre-ordering picnic hamper/ grazing platter (to collect on the night) have been 2 suggestions made and that don’t require parents to help on the night.  We are open to other suggestion and also like to invite any parents with contacts to food venders to contact us at