Our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program allows students to use the device which is most effective for them as learners. Students are highly encouraged to have their own device as this allows our teachers to run a thorough curriculum program that allows students the opportunities to develop real world technology skills. These skills will aide them in their future endeavours within the work force and their personal lives. 

At BSC, we provide students with the full Office 365 education suite, available for them to install on up to 5 devices whilst they remain a student here. We also provide the majority of the Adobe suit including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat DC, Dreamweaver and more for both Windows and macOS devices, completely free!

Please feel free to contact the ICT department if you have any questions regarding BYOD, we are always happy to help.

Students connecting to the wireless network is easier than ever. To connect your device to the network: 

⦁    Click on your wireless network icon   

⦁    Select eduSTAR

⦁    Type in your username and password

⦁    Click connect. 

(Your username is your cases code with bsc\ at the start, e.g. bsc\abc1234) 

Please see your hub if you don’t know your password.

Technology in Education

STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – covers a wide range of disciplines and skills, which are increasingly in demand in our rapidly changing world. STEM skills and knowledge are important for all stages of our learning, jobs and everyday lives.

“STEM Jobs are growing faster than other jobs:

By May 2023, the Department of Jobs and Small Business projects STEM occupations will grow by 10.8 per cent, whereas all non-STEM jobs are projected to grow by 6.1 per cent over the same period.” 


ThinkUKnow is an Internet safety program delivering interactive training to parents, carers and teachers through schools and organisations across Australia. The Parents Portal has useful resources for managing your child’s online activity. It includes links to device specific sites with information on how to apply parental controls as well as social media management guides to help deal with online safety and cyber bullying.

Brain Teaser

a = 1

loop 5:  

   a = a + a

a = ?