Physical Education
Welcome to 2020!
Term 1 is a fast-paced time of year within Health and Physical Education with many exciting events scheduled including Twilight Sports – a highlight for our school community and the a six-day intensive swimming program for all students at Swim World. The years 4-6 will take participate in the intra-school Athletics Day which then leads to the interschool competition later in the term. Each year level will start the year off looking at the expectations for PE lessons.
Learning Intention – To develop a positive and respectful relationship in PE.
The students will discuss ways in which they can create this supportive working environment for their peers. They will create an agreed set of agreements to be followed throughout the year in their PE lessons.
Learning Intention: To develop and apply skills to achieve our Movers License.
Students will be introduced to fundamental locomotor skills such as skipping, jumping and hopping, and will be encouraged to develop these skills at home to achieve their Mover’s License.
Learning Intention: To deepen our understanding of co-operation in a safe learning space.
Students will work both independently and in small groups to develop their hand eye coordination using fine motor skills.
Year One
Learning Intention: To develop the fundamental motor skills of running, leaping and dodging to transfer to minor games.
Students will be encouraged to develop their running, leaping and dodging skills and transfer these to game situations.
Learning Intention: To understand the correct technique to perform an overhand throw.
Learners will work towards personal goals designed to develop their abilities with throwing and catching.
Year Two
Learning Intention: To further develop effective movement strategies to participate in tagging and evading games. Students will work cooperatively with their peers and use trial and error to develop more effective strategies when participating in minor games.
Learning Intention: To understand skills to consistently perform an overhand throw and transfer these skills to minor games.
Students will create personal goals to develop their technique for an overhand throw and further develop their skills in team games.
Year Three
Learning Intention: To understand the purpose of apparatus for athletic skills.
Students will begin their introduction to athletics. They will focus on improving their running technique and learn skills such as shot put discus as well as long, high, and triple jump.
Learning Intention: Introducing the class to minor games and using Fundamental Motor Skills.
Students will continue to develop their fundamental motor skills of dodging, throwing and catching whilst also gaining skills of strategy and teamwork through minor games.
Year Four
Learning Intention: To understand specific skills in a variety of apparatus-based athletics events.
Students will develop specific skills to enable them to confidently participate in the intra-school athletics day for years 4-6.
Learning Intention: To extend the development of fundamental motor skills through minor games.
Students will continue to develop their skills of dodging, throwing and catching. They will be encouraged to work on their team work skills and think about strategies.
Year Five
Learning Intention: To develop the multifaceted skills needed to achieve success within our Glen Waverley Primary School Athletics Day
Students will develop specific skills using apparatus to assist in better performance during Athletics Day.
Learning Intention: To refine and apply fundamental motor skills in a range of different movement situation.
Students will continue to develop skills and tactical strategy through a range of ball games.
Year Six
Learning Intention: To understand high level coordination in athletics needed within our Glen Waverley Primary Athletics Day
Students will develop specific skills using apparatus to assist in better performance during the intra-school Athletics Day.
Learning Intention: To understand and apply transferable skills between games with similar characteristics.
Students will continue to develop skills and tactical strategies to assist with preparing them for Winter Interschool Sports which commences in Term 2.