Welcome Back To 2020
Welcome back to 2020!
Welcome back to 2020! We hope you are well rested from the summer break. We welcome new and existing families to another fantastic year of learning that will challenge and excite our students.
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mr Jason Mulder, who has joined us from Ringwood North Primary School, as the Learning Specialist of Digital Learning. He will lead the Multimedia program and develop Digital Literacy across the whole school. We would also like to welcome to the team, Mrs Kay Platt who is supporting the Junior Physical Education team through the rigorous teaching of Physical Education strategies for Year Two students.
The rest of the Specialist Teaching team, Miss Wood, Mrs. Hardy, Mr. McCormick, Mrs. James, Miss Peele and Mrs. Wang will be continuing their impactful teaching in Music, PE, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Language respectively.
This year we will be continuing the tradition of celebrating our students’ outstanding learning in their Specialist subjects through the Monthly Specialist Learning Certificates at assembly. A Specialist display is located in the corridor of the main building that consists of a photo of the latest award recipients for each Specialist area. The Specialist teachers are very proud of their curriculum for Term One. We hope you enjoy reading our Specialist Newsletter as you discover all the wonderful skills your child will be engaging in during their time in Specialist classes this term.
Thank you,
The Specialist Team