Grade 6 Information Evening

On Tuesday 5 May,  the annual Grade 6 Information Evening was held in the Lilydale High School Hall. 


The evening was a great success with many hundreds of families in attendance in the Hall and class rooms to speak with the teaching staff about the educational opportunities and extra curricular activities on offer as a student at Lilydale High School.


We were fortunate to be given a sneak preview of the upcoming school production 'All Shook Up' with a rousing performance by the entire cast. Our School Captains, Otis Heffernan and Shelby Parsons and Year 7 Captains Josh Powell and Lily Smoel gave eloquent speeches about their experiences as a student at Lilydale High School.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff, students and parents who helped out on the night.   An evening such as this only comes together with a great deal of enthusiasm and team work. Special thanks to our Transition Coordinators, Tracey Hope and Jane Hemmings for their faultless organisation of the entire evening.

Continuous Online Reporting

You will be aware that there has been a change in reporting this year for students in Years 7 - 10. Research indicates that regular specific feedback on work tasks enable students to make the appropriate improvements in an ongoing manner rather than waiting for an end of semester report.


How does it work?

When a assessment task is completed in each subject, the teacher assesses the task and indicates what the student has achieved and how they can make improvements. The task is then made available to both student and parent through Compass.  At the end of the semester the tasks will appear as a report document that can be printed off complete with AsuVels levels.  


VCE student reporting will not change at this stage.


Already we are finding students are eager to find out the grade they have earned and use the feedback provided. Many teachers are setting time aside in class to give students the opportunity to read and act on the recommendations.

NAPLAN - Year 7 & 9 students

Thank you to our students in Year 7 and Year 9 who, this week, participated in the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy. The results of the tests will be available to parents and students in August/September.


Wendy Powson, Principal