Keep on Learning

We have a small group of students from Prep to Year 11 who are unable to work from home and are therefore accessing their continuous online learning on campus. Each day is different and each day brings its joys and challenges (challenges are usually related to technology). Learning Assistants, Library staff and OSHC staff are on hand to work with, supervise and support the students.
Some of the things that are happening:
- Learning Assistants are connecting with students via Zoom or Teams to support students in their online working during the week.
- We are working alongside those younger students who need additional support to navigate the demands of continuous online learning.
- The Learning Support Team are developing routines and working together to ensure that students have the best possible experience.
- The Learning Support Team are developing stronger relationships with students in small groups or 1:1.
- Andrew Farmer has started to come in each Thursday afternoon to run sport with those students who are at school.
- Students are honing their abilities to be better organised, to advocate for themselves and are learning to try new ways of doing things.
Although school is very different to normal, it’s been wonderful to see students adapt and take greater ownership of their learning. We continue to look for the positives each day and thank God that He is still in control.
We acknowledge that online learning suits some students more than others. Please feel free to contact Learning Support if we can help you as you assist your child with learning at home. Contact Shirley Gillie: and Kerryn Terrington
Shirley Gillie
Head of Learning Support
The Year 10 Theatre Studies class are studying Stephen Sondheim’s musical “Into the Woods”, and as part of our coursework we have had two online Incursions with professional actor and director James Cutler.
Drawing upon his expertise as a professional actor, director and theatre maker, James led the students through an insightful and in-depth examination of the directorial process, with particular attention to dramaturgical processes of finding a story worth telling and finding meaning in a piece of theatre.
James created discussion around the value of telling stories through this medium, and allowed the students to delve further into their own exploration of what it means to discover the 'essence of the play', and how to craft vision for theatrical performance.
James' workshops conclude with a reflection on his own personal practice as he details his own process for shaping a play's vision as well as communicating with actors, designers and other theatre practitioners to bring a play to life on the stage.
Career development is about much more than jobs – it is about how to live your life.
National Careers Week aims to celebrate careers, career development and to promote the economic, social and personal benefits of career development. As we head further into the age of digital disruption and rapid automation, jobs of the future will require individuals to possess a broad range of transferable skills.
These four skills are essential for modern students to succeed in school and the workplace:
- Critical thinking
- Creativity
- Collaboration
- Communication
With critical thinking, students learn how to discover the facts and figures for themselves. They ask questions. They become engaged in the world around them.
Creativity is the practice of thinking outside the box - look at a problem from multiple perspectives. Creativity allows students to embrace their inner strengths.
Collaboration is the practice of working together to achieve a common goal. Collaboration teaches students that groups can create something bigger and better than you can on your own.
Communication is the practice of conveying ideas quickly and clearly. In the age of text-based communications, SMS, emails, social media and online learning, it’s never been more important for students to learn how to convey their thoughts in a way that others can understand them.
It’s most accurate to say that students need the four C’s for any and every reason. Combined, the four C’s empower students to become one-person think tanks. Then, when those students get together, they can achieve almost anything!
Our school is a subscriber to the study skills website
Dr Prue Salter has released a video series answering the most commonly asked FAQs to help Years 7-12 families make the learning taking place at home as effective as possible. The session is broken into mini-videos. St Andrews parents can access this series here:
The videos on this page will be available for all of Term 2. You may like to watch the brief introduction first before jumping to the questions.
- How can families make the home environment a better space for learning?
- How much schoolwork should students be doing each day?
- What is the best way to approach the day’s learning?
- How involved should parents be and what if they also have to work at home?
- How important is it to stick to the curriculum?
- Any specific advice for senior students?
- What if students have trouble learning this way?
- What should senior students do if they feel they are disadvantaged?
- How can students stay motivated to do their schoolwork at home?
- How can students stay more focused in online lessons?
- What do you need to know about webinars?
- How much screen time can students have outside of schooltime?
- What lifestyle factors help students be more effective learners?
- What are the top tips for parents?
- What are the top tips for students?
- Where can you get help from?
When: Wednesday 20 May, 11.00am
Guest speakers: Dr Tim Kitchen - Adobe's Senior Education Specialist & Genevieve Ash - Business Analyst, TechnologyOne
BiG Day In is for students interested in ICT and technology. It helps students obtain more information and make decisions about their future study options. Presenters discuss subjects including career paths and opportunities, as well as the latest developments and the future of technology.
No registration required - just click on the link above & select 'View on Internet'.
In this careers newsletter you will discover the latest news from our leading universities as well as other careers resources.
- UCAT Applications for Entry to Medicine in 2021
- News from: Eastern College, Deakin University, The University of Melbourne, Swinburne University, Monash University, La Trobe University and ACU
- The National Youth Science Forum Year 12 program in January 2021
- Virtual Careers Expo
- Webinar: The Importance of LinkedIn
- Optometry Courses in Australia in 2020
- Photography Courses in Victoria in 2020
St Andrews Careers Newsletter Issue 6
Mrs Irena Yevlahova
Careers Coordinator
The Year 5s were taking photos that show different themes in a tableaux.
The themes were: “Alone” and “Together”.
The photographers here are: Jonathan Yun (the two photos of the children in the hallway), Abigail Nah (the little tables with dishes), Aiden Morris (the lego circle), Annabel Thalappillil (the gel pens) and Zachary Lim (the puppy)
Hi everyone! In music this week, the Year 5/6 classes were asked to write a 4 line chant. They were given 2 examples – one about a sports team, and the other about our school theme of treasures in heaven!
The students were encouraged to make sure their 4 lines kept a beat so that in the coming lessons they can put it to their own music. They wrote about lots of different things (some with theologically deep meaning and questions), but thought I would share with you some of the BEAUTIFUL work that encouraged my heart! I have just chosen 3 from one of the classes, but they are gorgeous, be blessed!
I like to sing to God on Sunday
If I sing I won't fall apart
I like to sing to God on Sunday
Since I love him with all my heart
- Christine Kim
The world goes round and round
God helps me in every way
By walking close to him,
Everyday is a wonderful day
- Benjamin Beng
Jesus is our wonderful Lord
He fights for us even without a sword,
Jesus' love lasts forever,
Needing to be afraid; never!
- Sera Oktanio
Rachel Ranger
Primary Music Teacher
“Go, Grow & Glow”
In Health Class students learned the importance of eating serves each day from the 3 food groups:
GO foods - carbs for energy
GROW foods - protein & calcium for bones, muscles and development
GLOW foods - Vegetables and fruit (vitamins and nutrients) to help us look and feel well.
Here's 3A's David Tan and his “Go, Grow & Glow” Healthy Food poster.
Some libraries are now offering home deliveries of books for residents. Have a look on their websites for further details.
Eastern Regional libraries
Whitehorse Manningham Libraries
Yarracity Libraries
If you are a member of Yarracity libraries, you can ask for a 'binge bundle'.
For Primary school students:
An alternative to Google and containing material chosen by teachers and librarians
Science and technology (Primary):
ClubSciKidzMD has a daily blog with science experiments or cooking activities that can be done at home. The read more has the explanations behind the challenge. This week has LEGO STEM challenges- building bridges or making balloon cars.
Happy Reading & Learning,
Lynne Marks, Anita Little, Wai Peng Heath
Library Staff
“Necessity is the mother of invention”
“The glass isn’t half-empty, its half-full”
There are a lot of inspirational quotes out there for times like these. All of them feel slightly contrived and cheesy; however, not wholly untrue. This period in schooling at the Senior School has caused us as teachers, parents and students to reassess how to do ‘school’. I have been thoroughly impressed with the way that everyone has adapted to Continuous Online Learning at home.
In my own teaching I have needed to think about how I can do the same thing differently. I have been teaching Unit 3&4 Legal Studies for the past 12 years. This is the fourth school, third study design, and first time I’ve conducted classes via Zoom. The process of learning how to share my screen, annotate notes, create breakout room and run Kahoot! Quizzes has stretched me as a teacher. My class knows they are my “guinea pigs” to try some new things.
One of the new things I think did work was to have a ‘guest lecturer’. We were able to arrange for a solicitor to ‘join’ our class and share his experience. Grant Renkema, from Alphastream lawyers, was kind enough to share his time and expertise with the class. This new environment of learning can allow us to access guest lecturers and experts to join our lessons—from the comfort of everyone’s living room.
This will be a time to remember—and I’d like to remember it for a time that was filled with creativity, half-full glasses and… lemonade.
John Presant
Head of Senior School
This term Year 9 English students have been exploring issues and developing their persuasive writing. Below are are a couple of examples of their work.
Above are some more images from Year 6 works. They are looking at Op Art – Optical Illusion Art. This kind of art prompts us to consider that the world we can belong to if we trust in the name of Jesus (our Heavenly Home) is the real one, and this world we feel we want to belong to (where rust and moth destroy) is like an illusion. We can’t always trust our eyes! The Year 6s are creating amazing studies and I am very proud of them.
Above are some wonderful Year 7 artworks. Observations. Transformations.
Year 7 are looking at the work of Christoph Niemann, an illustrator living in New York. He has made a living making social commentary through drawing and been a regular publisher in the New Yorker. He has collaborated with other artists to make works that respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. These artists focused on the symbol of the rainbow as a symbol of hope. We have looked at Genesis and how God gave Noah the rainbow as a sign. Student projects are considering how HOPE is communicated and manifest in this time of difficulty and what the purest source of hope is – God. We are comparing and contrasting two world views.
Year 8 have been creating 'Gratitude Letters' further exploring typography practice:
Map typography project progress:
We are all navigating this online environment but the Visual Arts are going strong!
God Bless,
Mrs Heading