SACC Gratitude Diary

Our world around us lately is constantly presenting bad news. Switch on the TV, tune into the radio or spend some time on social media and within moments we are so easily swayed to see and focus on all the bad things. It doesn't take long to start seeing the world around us as bad news first, good news last.
Having an attitude of gratitude at the moment does take some extra effort. We need to pause from our habits, be mindful of what we engage in and take a moment to recognise what is all around - a life full of gifts, some big, some small.
During these uncertain times we must learn the importance of guarding your heart and mind. God is greater than our troubles or fears and resting in Him helps us to be mindful of this first and foremost.
In the weeks ahead try to set aside some time to note down some of the things you are grateful for (Just like our staff have been doing these past weeks). You'll start to see that not just recognising what you are grateful for, but expressing it will help to nurture a grateful heart and have a positive impact on your daily life.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says
"Give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
If you like you can download this page and post it on your fridge or tuck it in your diary to help prompt your thoughts of gratitude and remind you of the things you's like to give thanks to God for. You can also create the attached Goodnight Glowing Cube and take time with your children to have these conversations before bedtime prayers to encourage your child practice gratitude too.
Start each day with a grateful heart.
- I am so thankful for all our staff! I am thankful for how staff are working together for the benefit of our students; to help them, teach them and care for them.I am thankful for the community of St Andrews Christian College – where together, as the body of Christ, we are teaching and training our students to be responsive disciples. Young people who come to Know Christ, Know who they are in Christ and Know their purpose in life. - Mrs Wansbrough
- I'm grateful for a sense of humour. I always say, "If you don't laugh, you cry" so I endeavour to see the humorous side of life and chuckle away, when possible. Thankfully, many of our staff and students share this trait so it has made this potentially anxious time very survivable. When appropriate, take things lightly, and smile along.
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. - Proverbs 17:22
One of the best gifts my husband has taught me is to not take myself too seriously. Such a blessing! - Mrs Dobrzynski - I am thankful for the strong, positive, proactive leadership shown this year in preparing and supporting staff for continuous online learning. We are blessed to have mature, dependable, wise leaders who put their trust in God first, who take pastoral care of staff seriously and who show empathy and love for students and their families. I am thankful for our teachers who show great morale and creativity in providing students with engaging, meaningful learning experiences to ensure they learn and grow in this time of isolation. Loving Father, give your peace and assurance to all those who are feeling anxious or distressed by this very different way of living and learning. - Mr Leslie
- I am thankful for wonderful music that speaks to your soul. Also, technology and expertise that enables virtual choirs and music arrangement to happen – which enables a sense of inclusion when we are isolated for extended time. - Mrs Edwards
- I am thankful to be working in a school where prayer is normal, encouraged, and important. I’m thankful that we live in a country where we are free to talk about Jesus, despite challenges we face around this. We are so blessed to be able to share our faith, but most importantly share the gospel! How great is our God, that we have this good news and can live it out and spread it in a world desperate for His light! Praise the Lord!- Mrs Ranger
- I am thankful for a warm, cosy house with my kids around me. I am thankful for an awesome dog who (since COVID-19 isolation) has learned to drop, and wait for food! I am thankful for a loving, forgiving and healing heavenly father who is faithful. - Mr Hall
- I am so thankful for the gift of music, and that today my piano was tuned! I sat down to a beautifully tuned piano and played my favourite hymn/song (the lyrics are very fitting I feel): My heart is filled with thankfulness - Music and Lyrics by Keith and Kristyn Getty. - Mrs Ranger
- I am thankful for everyone in my family! Despite being in a noisy, crowded house, I am glad that I never feel lonely particularly during this COVID-19 isolation period. - Mrs Tay
- I am thankful for a home, that I love, where I can ‘isolate’ with a family that I love and for the technology that keeps me connected with others. I am thankful for the gifts of life and health and the opportunities to love. I am especially thankful for Jesus who lives in me and through me and from whom I can never, ever be separated. - Mrs Jones
- I am thankful that students can follow directions, interact with artists and creatively respond. - Mrs Heading
- I am so thankful for Shirley and our Learning Support Team – I cannot thank the Lord enough for bringing them into my classes during this time. They are always cheerful and ready to help, even though I know they are also quite swamped with all that needs to be done. Special thanks to Aris, Jess and Ruth who have tirelessly been following up students and helping them to hand in assignments. - Mrs Cloete
- Thanking God for giving our government the wisdom to manage this situation as well as we possibly can, and blessing our St Andrews community with the ability to learn and grow and adapt to the many changes required and support each other, as we navigate through this period of uncertainty. Thank you, Jesus - Mrs Krishnan
- We are immensely grateful for all the dedication the staff are showing in teaching during this very demanding and uncertain time. Please know that your time, energy, compassion and patience are all noticed and valued. We pray that God would continue to sustain you, protect you, and fill you with His joy and peace as you serve Him.
- Thank you for the regular updates you send us – they are very helpful. We appreciate all the work you are doing during this time of online learning.May you have a blessed weekend.
- Thank you for all the videos teachers have prepared, they are great! The lesson on 'cl' words made such an impact on our son that he started reading about clouds and will intentionally look at clouds when we are out. He can list the different clouds and their distinct features. As parents we really appreciate all the effort and amazing work the teachers are doing!
- I am very thankful for the school and all they have done to facilitate this, teachers have been very proactive.
- Devotions/home room is really important to us and definitely assists in our son being able to get into the routine for the day, we really appreciate how much this sets the students up with a sense of normality for something they would do at school. What a wonderful job the staff and school are doing at the moment!
- The teachers have done an excellent job and have been transparent with school work.
- We are immensely grateful for all the dedication St Andrews teachers are showing in teaching during this very demanding and uncertain time. Please know that your time, energy, compassion and patience are all noticed and valued. We pray that God would continue to sustain you, protect you and your family, and fill you with His joy and peace as you serve Him.
- Thank you very much for the daily lesson planner, this is very helpful.
- Thanks again so much for all the work you are putting in to preparing and delivering lessons online. We are keenly aware of how much extra effort has gone in to training and preparation, to be able to plan whole days and weeks of lessons in a completely different format. We're praying for the Lord's sustaining strength, and for good and restorative rest!
- Every teacher is very conscientious.
- Thanks teachers for all that you are doing for our kids and for helping us parents keep track of things. All your efforts are much appreciated!
- I am so grateful for all the teachers' efforts to keep teaching and connected with our children and for taking the time to run the webinar.
- We appreciate everything the school is doing and all the communications and updates being sent out.
- The continuous online learning has given me better understanding and insight into my daughter, and the things she is learning from school. The daily programs are great! Most of the instructions are easy to follow. I think you & the other teachers have made the work fun & engaging for the students. I love that they start each day with devotion. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I know the change has not been easy for you & your family too, but you constantly encourage your students & parents. I appreciate all that you do. Praying for you & your family. My daughter is blessed to have you as her teacher.
- Thank you teachers for your tireless effort to continue to educate the children through distant learning.
- Thank you for your ongoing commitment in teaching our son and others during these challenging days. We know it is not easy. We appreciate all that you and the teachers at St Andrews are doing.
- I appreciate the regular updates and communication the school is doing currently.
- I am absolutely loving the wellbeing posts Mrs de Meester is putting up, this is excellent. I am so impressed that devotions/homeroom are still being carried out, this is such an important way to start the day. I am really thankful for the webinar as well.
- There is a good learning structure in place and the teachers are doing an amazing job.
- St Andrews' teachers are doing a really good job and are communicating well.
- I'm very impressed that the school was so prepared from so early on with COVID-19 and were organised, this has helped parents not to worry. Students were well prepared for this and there have been no issues. Thanks to leadership and the whole school staff.
- Thank you Miss Easton for always being on zoom to answer any questions and wanting to challenge me. I really appreciate it. Remember God is with you and He will give you strength for each day.
- School has been great during this time.
- Thanks for being an awesome teacher and for making chemistry fun Mr Fernandes!
- Thanks to our teachers for their new way of doing lessons. We really enjoy your videos because the explanations are simple, clear, and easy to understand.
My family and I recently moved into our new home. It’s been an exciting time because we’ve bought some brand-new things. New bed frames. New dining chairs. New Samsung 75” Ultra High Definition TV with sound bar (praise the Lord).
But along with the excitement, there have also been challenges. For example, on the first day we moved in, we found out that the front door would not lock properly. I did not want to spend the first night in my new house with the front door left unlocked! That morning, I stopped whatever was doing. I stopped unpacking boxes. I stopped moving around furniture. I now had one priority: Fix the Front door! I opened up the Yellow Pages searched on Google and found the contact details of a number of locksmiths and fortunately, we were able to fix the door within two hours.
Just like I how needed to guard my house on that first day, it’s vitally important that we guard our hearts during these uncertain times.
Proverbs 4:23 says
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” (NLT).
In today’s climate, it’s very easy to be swept up in the fear that is around us. We don’t have to look very far, whether it be online or on television to know that the world is in panic. The truth is, this situation actually is pretty scary! Those feelings of fear, worry and anxiety that we may have are very real. But the writer of Proverbs encourages us to guard our hearts, practising discernment about what we let into our souls, as it will impact the trajectory of our thinking, and ultimately, our actions.
This week, let us be reminded that our God is bigger than anything that happens in this world; He is good, and we can put our total trust in Him.
Mr Daniel Lee
Head of Middle School