Wellbeing News

Student Wellbeing – February 2020
The start of Term 1 has been a busy and exciting time for the Wellbeing and Inclusion Team with two new staff members joining the team (Isaac Mead and Janomie Pentreath) and a number of programs and events occurring.
The Wellbeing Team are available to provide access to information and services to meet the needs of secondary students and promote their learning and wellbeing. This may include:
- Counselling and/or case management.
- Referral to external/community agencies.
- Assistance with accessing financial services.
- Referral to DET/Student Support Services and psychological services.
Assistance with individual, family or school related issues are provided in a respectful and confidential manner. Referrals can be made by students, parents/guardians or staff by contacting Miss Hallett.
This is ‘IT’ Laptop Presentation
Selected students attended the This is ‘IT’ Laptop Presentation at the City of Greater Dandenong, Council Office on Friday 7th February 2020. This is ‘IT’ is an exciting new initiative led by local business designed to Equalise Education through the re-purposing of laptops. Students were able to meet representatives from local businesses and enjoy morning tea together.
Canine Comprehension – Year 7
Selected Year 7 students have been participating in the Inside and Out program with Canine Comprehension. This involves a qualified allied health professional and dog delivering animal assisted interventions to support students. The aim of the program is to teach students to develop an awareness and understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication indicators to better improve their communication and socialisation skills. This includes learning about tone of voice, body language, facial gestures and verbal communication and assists them with their transition to secondary school. This program runs every Thursday for 8 weeks in Term 1. Please contact Miss Hallett if you are interested in your Year 7 child participating in Term 2.
Peer Support Program – Year 7 and 10
The Peer Support Program is a whole-school initiative that partners older students with a group of younger students for Peer Support group sessions. These sessions encourage discussion about issues the students may face transitioning to secondary school and builds their life skills and relationships through fun activities. This includes a focus on our school values: respect, commitment, teamwork and excellence. This program is running on Wednesdays during period 5 for 5 weeks during Term 1 and will finish with a celebration session.
The following students have been selected as Peer Support Leaders:
- Sarah Dib
- Joshua Newton
- Ro Mon Lay
- Aliah Zimah
- Nyabouk Chol
- Cassandra Lazarakis
Rite Mentoring Program – Year 9 and 10 Boys
Selected Year 9 and 10 boys will be participating in the Rite Mentoring Program weekly for 14 weeks. This program involves a weekly group mentoring session with Isaac Mead or Stuart Johnstone. It focuses on exploring a range of social, emotional, psychological and cultural factors that help shape and define how students navigate their way through adolescence to adulthood. This is funded through a Federal Government grant and involves excursions and a camp. More information will be released to selected students this week.
Communicate Speech – Speech Pathology
Secondary students are able to access Speech Pathology services for free on Tuesdays through Communicate Speech. Courtney Lindeman (speech pathologist) meets with students individually or in groups one hour per week to develop goals and strategies for students to improve their communication, language and speech to improve their learning. The aim of this program is to build fundamental language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), and improve student’s self-esteem, confidence and the development of social relationships. Please contact Miss Hallett if you are interested in your child participating in this program.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund
CSEF forms can be returned to the main office and are due by the end of Term 2. Special consideration applications can be made for students that do not have health care cards but have the following circumstances:
- Families on a bridging visa, temporary protection visa, are in community detention or are asylum seeker families.
- Students in out of home care.
- Students in statutory kinship care.
Please contact Miss Hallett if you need assistance with a special consideration CSEF application.
Activities at Greater Dandenong Youth and Family Services:
Young Leaders
15-week leadership program for young people aged 16-25 years. Running Tuesdays 4:30-6:30pm, starting 21 April. Application is essential. Participants will help to tackle local youth issues by planning and delivering community projects.
Youth Sports Zone
FREE weekly recreational activities for young people aged 12-25 years, including 3x3 basketball and Ultimate Frisbee. Every Thursday 4:30-6:00pm at Dandenong Park, Corner of Foster and Pultney Street
(20 February – 26 March). No registrations required, young people can turn up and play!
Unite Alliance
Meet Your Peer Support Leaders
Sarah Dib
Joshua Newton
Ro Mon Lay
Aliah Zimah
Nyabok Chol
Cassandra Lazarakis