Library News

Welcome to 2020 I’m Mrs Hadfield

Library hours: 8.30-4pm including lunchtime for all students, where they can play board games, cards, draw and colour.  Tuesday is craft day at lunchtime all students are welcome to join in.

Picture Book of the Month

Extraordinary! Penny Harrison

Extraordinary! Reminds us all that it is the little,

ordinary things in life that can be the most

extraordinary of all!  



Primary Fiction Book of the Month

Ninja Bandicoots and Turbo-Charged Wombats: Hazel Flynn


A beautiful behind the scenes look at zoos and

animal hospital in Australia.

Genre: True Stories, Animals     


Secondary Book of the Month

Emergency Rescue Angel: Cate Whittle         


One boy and his struggle to deal with the death

Of his father, and the unexpected angel who

is sent to save him.

Genre: Supernatural

Students I encourage you to visit the library to make a book request for our library.


Tuesday craft:  

Our first activity students made a rolled paper Valentine’s day card.  There were many very creative cards.  This week students had the choice of a beaded necklace or bracelet, this really tested our fine motor skills tying tiny knots.



ClickView is a digital video database that support learning and teaching across all subject areas for all students and staff.  ClickView is accessible at school and home, from any device.

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Happy Reading

Mrs Hadfield