College General Information

The Main Office
Office Hours: 8.15am - 4.00pm
Parents should always make contact with the Main office when visiting the college.
Office Staff:
Buisness Manager: Larissa Kashina
Accounts: Roseann Bivens
Glenice Despard
Reception: Pauline Horbaczow
First Aid: Donna Azzopardi
Term Dates 2020
Secondary Contacts 2020
Year 7 Mr Hammond
Year 8 Mrs Rentzis
Year 9 Mr Brown
Year 10 Mrs Bawa
Year 11 Mrs Bawa
Year 12 Ms Hudson
Secondary Junior Leader Mr Hammond
Secondary Senior Leader Ms Hudson
Assistant Principal ( Year 7-12) Mr Allen
To Speak to or book an appointment with a coordinator, College Leader or Assistant Principal please contact the main office.
Primary Contacts 2020
Assistant Principal: Mrs Sheila Horn
Primary Leading Teacher: Mrs Beauchamp-Wylie
To speak to or book an appointment with a class teacher, leading teacher or Assistant Principal please contact the main office.
Prep L Ms Arnold-Levy
1A Mrs Abraham
1/2L Mrs Lilburne
2/3N Ms Naylor
4B Ms Bishop
5M Mrs McPhie
5/6C Ms Cox
6E Mrs Elias
STEM Mr Jogaratnam
Art Mrs McAleer
PE Mrs Peters (Prep-2)
Bell Times
All students are expected to be punctual and regular in attendance. After each absence, a note of explanation, dated and signed by the parent/guardian must be brought to the school or absences can be monitored and/or approved online via compass.
College Map
Lost Property
Lost Property is located in Sickbay. If your child has lost an item please call or see Nurse Donna in Sickbay.
Sustainable School Shop:
Second Hand Uniforms
Second Hand Books
The College is conscious of the need to provide an efficient process for families to be able to buy and sell second hand uniform.
We are happy to announce the sustainable school shop website that Carwatha College P-12 has previously directed parents to use for second hand books now offers buying and selling of second hand uniforms.
Please go to
For the best results:
- Register on the Sustainable School Shop website
- List your second-hand uniform items for sale
- List wanted ads for those items you are looking to buy
- The College’s uniform lists are loaded into the system to make listing ads easy
- The system matches the ads of buyers with sellers and notifies the buyer via email
- Buyers contact sellers and arrange where and when to trade.
- The school is not involved in the transaction
- Parents are well supported via Sustainable School Shop’s telephone (0438 743 444) and email help lines
- The system is simple and easy to use - If you don’t have a computer, internet access or an email address, please call the Sustainable School Shop for assistance.