FORPS, Parents & Community

Welcome back everyone!
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer break and families are settling into school for 2021.
The FORPS AGM for 2021 will be held on Thursday 11 February at 7.00pm in the Staff Room.
We hope to see you all there, and if you know of any other parents who may be interested in attending, feel free to bring them along.
FORPS Meet and Greet
The FORPS Team would love to welcome many more parents to FORPS to share their ideas, skills and help make a difference at Rosanna Primary. Please consider coming along this Friday the 12th of February after 9am, to find out more about FORPS over a cuppa and biscuit, in Chandler Hall.
Easter Raffle
Each year Rosanna primary school has a major Easter raffle. This raffle has historically been extremely successful and has contributed to major educational purchases such as the new interactive whiteboards in the classrooms. In the past the raffle has had some very large and impressive major prizes.
As such, we are seeking donations from the Rosanna primary school community for items that could be used in our prize packages. If you have donations of anything to do with Easter (chocolate, arts and crafts etc), please bring them to the school office.