HPE News

District Swimming Carnival
Well done to all students who participated in the District Swimming Carnival on March 19th. It was fantastic to see the level of participation from our students which resulted in Mount Erin placing 4th on the day. Some very close finishes and lots of our students reaching the podium to receive a ribbon. Mia M. of Year 7 (pictured), competed against older swimmers in the 100m freestyle, finishing 3rd which is a fantastic effort.
Special mention to Joslin K. of Year 10 who won two events on the day -100m Backstroke and 50m backstroke, beating her competitors convincingly. Joslin will compete at the Regional Swimming Finals at the Melbourne Aquatic Centre on March 29th. We wish her the best of luck!
Thank you to our house captains Jett Williams and Dylan Rust for helping out on the day to support the swimmers.
Congratulations to the Swimming competitors: Charlotte B, Harry B, Joslin K, Ashton L, Mia M, Reuben M, Lochlan M, Blake N, Kayla P, Ethan P, Tully R, Eddie S, Autumn S, Darcy W.
Leah Olsen
HPE Teacher
School Sport Victoria (SSV) Livestream Events
SSV now have the following events for live stream.
Football (Soccer) Premier League Grand Final, and State Swimming Championships. All the livestream details will be available via this link: watch.SSVtv.live There are plenty more to come throughout the rest of the year.
Lachlan Cove
HPE Domain Leader