Junior School Art

Year 7 and 8

One-Point Perspective Cover Page

Year 7 students began their Visual Art studies by completing a One-Point Perspective Cover Page unit, that was designed to explore how the illusion of depth can be created using mathematical perspective.  In an effort to increase numeracy, all learning areas at Mount Erin College are encouraged to incorporate visible numeracy tasks within each subject. This is an example of one such project within the Visual Arts.

Once students had added perspective to the block letters spelling out the word ART that they had drawn, they were encouraged to design a fantastical environment in which their word could sit. Students choose from a range of media to complete their front cover design. 


Tattoo Front Cover

The TATTOO FRONT COVER unit was the first project completed by all Year 8 students this year in Visual Art. This unit was made up of the various steps that make up the ART PROCESS.


Students began with a theory research task into the history and symbolism of tattoos from various cultural groups and time periods. They then completed a brainstorm that focused on their life as a means of gathering inspiration for their own Tattoo Front Cover.


Once students had decided on an area of focus for their design, they completed four thumbnail sketches of possible compositional arrangements and colour schemes for their final front cover.

The students then began to sketch out and colour their final tattoo inspired front cover page. They were encouraged to focus on composition and mark-making throughout the project.


After completing the unit, students were asked to reflect on their process by answering a series of questions that encouraged them to evaluate their work. 


Bronwen Murray

Arts Domain Leader