Principal Report
Jarrod Main (Acting)
Principal Report
Jarrod Main (Acting)
I would like to warmly welcome our new College Principal Jenni Hodgins, who will be joining us from the beginning of Term Two. Jenni comes to us from Carrum Downs Secondary College, and has a wealth of knowledge and experience, having taught in the Science and Maths areas for many years at schools on the Mornington Peninsula. Jenni has been an Assistant Principal at Carrum Downs since the beginning of 2017. We are really looking forward to having Jenni as our Principal of Mount Erin College, and can’t wait to have her join us.
It has been a very busy time at the College since our last newsletter went out, with all students and staff trying to re-establish routines and get back into some positive learning habits. This has been a challenge for many students and staff across the state. With the major disruptions to our ‘usual routines’ for school and learning in 2020, there has been a period of re-adjusting and re-learning our school rules and processes again that some students are still finding difficult. ‘Learning is our Priority’ at the College, so it is more important now than ever, that all students are playing their role to ensure that our classrooms are calm and free of distractions, so that all students have the opportunity to learn and grow.
There have been lots of great things happening over the past month that have had students engaged and connected with the College.
Our annual Athletics Carnival was also a great College highlight on Thursday 11th March. It was a fantastic turnout, beautiful weather, and a very enjoyable day by all students and staff. Congratulations to 1st - Erica (Red), 2nd - Melaleuca (Yellow), 3rd - Casuarina (Blue) and 4th - Sage (Green).
Hayley W - 9B was a stand out on the day, coming first in the following events:
100m - PB time
Triple Jump
Long Jump
Relay Team
A big thank you to Mr Ryan Jones and the HPE Dept. Well done everyone!
There were two Presentation Balls this year so that all of the 2020 and 2021 students who had signed up were able to do it. It was great to see our students looking fantastic in their dresses and suits. The amount of time and dedication they put into their dance practices was really evident, as they all performed magnificently and did themselves and their families very proud. A big thanks goes to Mr Matt Baker, Mr Patrick Mooney and Mr Alex Trickovic who all played a major role in supervising the practices and assisting students on the nights – your involvement to support the students is very much appreciated.
We were very pleased with our ‘Open Night’ on Tuesday 30th March from 5pm - 7pm. We are really proud of Mount Erin College. We offer a range of great programs, subjects and extra-curricula opportunities that cater for the needs and interests of each individual student's need. Many of our students volunteered to be tour guides on the night or assist with promoting a particular domain area, which shows that our students also take great pride in promoting our College. I would encourage all members of our school community who have friends or people they know looking for a great education to come to Mount Erin College – they will be coming to a great school.
Finally, I would thank the College community for their support whilst I have been in the Acting Principal role for Term One. The Principal role is a very rewarding role, but at the same time it can be very challenging and at times, difficult. We are thrilled to have Jenni coming to join us as Principal in Term Two, and we look forward to working with and supporting her in continuing to make Mount Erin College the great place that it is.
I hope that you all have a very Happy Easter and a much needed holiday break with family and friends.
Jarrod Main
Acting Principal