
Dates and Information

New Principal - Jenni Hodgins

Jenni Hodgins
Jenni Hodgins


It is with pleasure that the College Board welcomes Jenni Hodgins to our wonderful College commencing Term 2. Jenni comes to us from Carrum Downs Secondary College with an array of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm.  A huge welcome to Jenni, and the entire College Community looks forward to working closely with you.  



Retirement - Karen Lee

Karen Lee
Karen Lee

With this news, the Board would like to acknowledge Karen Lee and wish her every success and happiness in her retirement. She has been with Mount Erin for a substantial number of years and her hard work and unwavering support has seen the College become an optimal choice for parents and students here on the Peninsula.  

It's not goodbye, it's farewell for now.


Jenny Ballard

College Board President.  


Students Needing to Leave the College Early

Parents/Guardians and Students; This is a reminder regarding Students needing to leave the college early for any reason. The College asked that students:

  1. Bring a dated note from their parent/guardian stating clearly your name, the reason, the time you need to leave and your form group.
  2. Get the note signed by your year level leader before school.
  3. Show your note to the classroom teacher at the time of leaving
  4. Take the note to the Sub school Attendance Officer in order to be signed out.

If students are feeling unwell/sick at the college:

  1. Ask your teacher for a pass and report to the Sub school Attendance office.
  2. If you need to go home, the First Aid Attendant will telephone to have the student collected from school.
  3. Under NO circumstance should students contact their parents directly.
  4. All students must be signed out through the General Office.

Mobile/Electronic Device Policy


Production: "The Addams Family: School Edition"


Term 1 Reporting Key Dates

  • The Term 1 Data Snapshots will be available on Compass under the Reporting tab as of the 29th March 2021. These data snapshots will identify student work habits and attendance.
  • The first Feedback Task for the year will be available to view on Compass under Learning Tasks as of 29th March 2021, and will outline student achievement on a particular learning activity given this Term and areas they can improve in. This feedback task will also be visible on the End of Semester report next Term.

Please communicate with your student's classroom teacher, homegroup teacher or year level coordinator if you have any concerns about your student's reports.


Kristianna Davis

Leader of Assessment Reporting and Pathways


Important College Dates

Term 1, 2021


Week 10

30th Mar (Tue) - College Open Night (Tour times 5:00pm and 5:45pm)

31st Mar (Wed) - Immunisations (Year 7)

1st Apr (Thu) - Last Day Term 1 (2:30pm Finish)


Term 2, 2021


Week 1

19th Apr (Mon) - Welcome Back - First Day Term 2