Term 1 Week 6



In Reading this week we have been identifying the setting within a text by using language and pictorial clues. We have been using the strategy "Where am I now" to think about the place, time and environment in which the narrative is taking place. Next week we will be focusing on how descriptive language is used to create a setting and how the setting influences the mood of the narrative. 



 This week in writing we have been focusing on writing sentences with subject and verb agreement and have been looking at the different noun groups. The students also used their senses to describe a familiar setting. Next week we will learning how to create a setting using descriptive language. 


Word Study

In past two weeks we have been revising the following rules:

  • the letter 'c' makes it's second sound of 's' if it is followed by an 'e', 'i' or 'y'
  • the letter 'g' MAY make it's second sound 'j' (age, gym, giant) when followed by an 'e', 'i' or 'y'.

Students have been engaging in 'bootcamps' to practise these rules using the Reading tools. Next week we will begin to recap the different jobs of 'Silent Final e'. 


This week in Mathematics we have been looking further into place value. We revised how to partition, expand and rename numbers. Next week we will be investigating odd and even numbers and looking at the properties of 2D shapes. 

Unit of Inquiry

Students have focused on the concept of challenge and how they approach new learning experiences. This has led to the identification of personal strengths and how these enhance and support each individual’s learning. Using this knowledge students explored Growth Mindset. They considered how they can change their thinking when faced with a challenge. By understanding how to use positive thinking students demonstrated they could go through the ‘Learning Pit’ successfully. For our final week of this current inquiry into ‘who we are as learners’ students are focusing on SMART goals. They will develop the skills to write attainable and appropriate learning goals for term 2.  



We have continued to inquire into different forms and examples of Mindfulness. Students have explicitly been introduced to different strategies: Mindfulness Breathing, Yoga, Guided Meditation and Mindful Colouring. Over the coming weeks students will reflect upon the power of being grateful and of developing their own 'mantra' cards to support their personal and emotional wellbeing. 



Monday 8th March - Labour Day Holiday

Week 7 - Book Fair in BPS Library (all week) 

Monday 15th March - Wednesday 24th March - Grade 3 Swimming

Thursday  25th March - Swimming Carnival


Grade 3 Team 

Meet the Grade 3 Team 


3A - Heather Jenkins (Mon-Weds)

& Amanda Kerr (Thurs & Fri)




3B - Sylvia Zanati  



3C - Emily Seccull 



3D - Georgia Kirk
