Year 6 School Leaders & House Captains

From Jane, Year 6 Teacher


Introducing School Leaders

While we will be postponing our first assembly for the year we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our enthusiastic School Leaders for 2021:

Summer Hamilton

Ethan Khatri

Catherine Wang

Jack Durran


Let's hear from the leaders:

Hello everyone, my name is Catherine. I am Etham, I'm Summer, and I am Jack. We are your school leader for the year. Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement. If anyone has any problems, questions or concerns, you are always free to ask us at any time. Together, we shall work together to make this school a better place! We look forward to a better and brighter 2021!


Our new captains have eagerly begun attending weekly lunchtime meetings and are in the process of creating plans for the Junior Student Representative Council and brainstorming ideas for the NMPS community. Summer, Ethan, Catherine, and Jack are excited for the school year and assisting our Prep to Year 5 students in presenting their voice.


We would also like to welcome our NMPS House Captains

Blue House:

Alex Markham-Sanchez

Mai Nguyen


Red house:

Asma Jameel Ahmed

Jenson Glenn


Green house:

Taehee Kim

David Shalla


Yellow house:

Leni Hunter

Ben Saville


These students are looking forward to encouraging our playground policy ‘At NMPS We R.O.C.K’ during lunchtime games and activities. Along with teamwork, fair play and a have a go attitude during our school carnivals.


As mentioned previously, in 2019 our School Leaders researched, designed, launched, and implemented with the help of JSRC our school’s playground agreement.  ‘At NMPS We R.O.C.K’ focuses on creating a respectful, caring, safe playground environment for all students.