From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant,




This afternoon we have been advised by Premier Dan Andrews that we are returning to Stage 4 lockdown for the next five days.

Commencing at midnight tonight there are clear guidelines about staying at home, reducing contacts, shopping and work arrangements.

School will be closed for three days next week (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday).

Today, teachers sent home a learning pack with all students. At this stage we won’t be implementing a remote online learning program.



Chinese New Year starts today and lasts for the next 16 days. This year the ox is the zodiac symbol for the celebration that signals the start of the Spring Festival. Families will gather to feast, celebrate and honour their gods and families. 

We will be acknowledging this special celebration at our school assembly on Monday 22 February.

The ox signifies diligence, honesty, earnestness and being hardworking. My best wishes to our families and students as they start their New Year celebrations.

Drop off and pick up arrangements

We are continuing with arrangements to drop off of students at the gates each morning, with the children making their way to class independently. I have been pleasantly surprised by how well the new Prep students manage this each day!!!

Commencing next week, on Thursday, at the end of each school day we welcome parents to come on site, collect their children and make their way off the playground by 3.45pm.


After such a positive start to the school year, I look forward to the year ahead and I am confident that we are ready for the challenges that the learning journey will bring for students, staff and the wider CJC community. We are working towards raising expectations for our students to an even higher level, ensuring our staff are delivering a differentiated curriculum, continuing to work in collaborative teams and we need to make sure that we are all working on the improvement agenda that will continue to build the Caulfield Junior College as a proud school with a strong community focus and a vibrant place for everyone to learn.


Parents are reminded that road rules, parking signs and general considerations of our community and neighbours apply to everyone. Schools are busy places and with changed access arrangements to the school families need to be mindful of the safest way to drop off and collect their children. The performance of the community over recent mornings has not been up to the standards expected at the College.


Each morning when the music ends children are expected to be in class, ready to learn. Children arriving after the start of the school day must be signed in at the office so we can maintain accurate attendance and accountability records.


On Monday the 22nd February at our afternoon assembly we will welcome Mr. David Southwick , local Parliament member and School Council President, Mr. Stephen Loyer to present the 2021 school leadership badges. The children are to be acknowledged for their selection, but they now have a series of challenges and expectations to meet as they lead CJC over the coming school year.


This week we were able to invite our families to school in person or online to complete the Parent Teacher conferences. All staff were involved in these important conversations and the positive information collected will support teaching and learning over the coming year. We were so impressed with the numbers in attendance and how much support is available to our students as they commence the school year.


COMPASS is our communication platform. Parents need to activate the Compass app on their phones or devices to receive the updates and news that is sent to families regarding events, bookings, payments and permissions. The recently completed Parent Teacher conversations were booked using COMPASS. Our office can assist you if you are experiencing any difficulties with this new system.


The first working bee for 2021 is taking place on Sunday 21 February and is open to all CJC families. Come along for an hour to help us tidy our school grounds. There will be further working bees throughout the year for specific year levels. The dates are available in the school calendar on Compass, and in the student diary. We look forward to seeing you!


Our School Council elections begin soon.  See the next section of the newsletter for further information and more information will be sent via Compass.


Icy pole shop commenced after school today. It will operate each Friday for the remainder of term 1.


We would like to remind all parents that the 2021 School Payments should have now been paid or a payment plan entered into (via Compass - Course Confirmations and Payments). For our families enrolled in the French Binational Program, this is a user pays program. If you have not paid for this program as yet, please do so as soon as practicable or contact the school for further discussion. 


Part of the process of making the school payments is the completing the Agreements and Permissions for things like:

  • Acceptable Use Agreements for ICT Networks – your child will be unable to use ICT at the school if this agreement is not signed by student and parent
  • Photographing of Students
  • Class List Inclusion
  • Head Lice Agreement
  • School Uniform Agreement
  • Student Planner Agreements

All of these agreements are important to the running of school operations. 


Local Excursion Consent

In 2021, Caulfield Junior College may take students outside of school grounds to undertake educational activities in the local area.


The purpose of this permission is to obtain parent/carer consent for local excursions during 2021.

This form does NOT provide consent for excursions that go beyond the local area.


Local excursions

Local excursions are excursions to locations within walking distance of the school and do not involve ‘Adventure Activities’.


Local excursions that your child may participate in throughout 2021 could include but is not limited to:

·         Physical Education lessons at Caulfield Park 

·         Picnic at Caulfield Park 

·         Exploring the local area

·         Anzac Day at Caulfield Park


A new permission has been added to your child’s Compass portal under ‘Course Confirmation and Payments” titled ‘Local Excursion Consent’.

Please click on the link in the green box under ‘My News’ and then click on the link ‘Local Excursion Consent’ and follow it through.


We currently have 16 students who have not had a completed User Agreement for ICT completed in the Course Confirmations and Payments section of Compass. Please make sure your child has this approval asap.


Welcome to our new Crossing Guard – Robert. 

Robert works at the Balaclava Road pedestrian crossing and his work ensures our families can access the school safely. Please welcome Robert when you see him and follow his instructions when you use the crossing.


From Mrs. Breimeyer.

Acting French Director


Bonjour à tous,


Aujourd'hui, 12 février, 2ème semaine d'école terminée pour tous nos élèves du CP à la 6ème, bravo! Et… 1ère semaine pour nos Grandes Sections! Bravo les Preps!


Cette rentrée s'est faite tellement facilement, c'est un réel plaisir d'accueillir nos nouveaux élèves. Cette semaine, nous avons pris le temps d'expliquer aux enfants les attentes de la grande école et de commencer à les rendre plus indépendants. Les routines se mettent en place et les élèves prennent leurs marques. Ranger ses affaires, suivre l'emploi du temps, respecter l'accord de la classe, chanter jusqu'à 100, dire des comptines, se familiariser avec la gestion des conflits… Pas le temps de s'ennuyer!

Voici les impressions de certains de nos élèves quand on leur a demandé ce qu'il avaient aimé faire cette semaine:


Naledi "I enjoyed doing the dragon." – J’ai aimé faire le dragon


Jonathan "I liked having fun with my teacher." – J’ai aimé rigoler avec ma maîtresse 


Antoine  “J’ai aimé découper.” I liked cutting


Archie  “J’ai aimé faire le dragon.” – I liked doing the dragon


Agathe  “J’ai aimé faire le set de table.” - I liked setting the table


Mila T “J’ai adoré jouer dehors.” – I liked playing outside


Valentine “Tout !” – Everything!


Lutece “J’ai aimé faire la stratégie des 5 doigts.” I liked doing the five fingers strategy


Nicolas “J’aime quand on range.” – I like when we tidy up


Theo “J’ai adoré jouer dehors.” – I loved playing outside


Camille M “J’ai aimé jouer avec mes amis.” – I liked playing with my friends


Camille H "J’ai aimé le cirque.” – I liked doing circus


Aliyah "J'ai aimé colorier le dragon.” – I liked colouring the dragon


Ulysse "Moi j'ai aimé voir les copains dehors. " -  I liked seeing my friends outside


Mila "J'ai aimé la première fois que j’ai joué avec ma copine." – I liked the first time I played

with my friend


Quentin "J'ai aimé faire des activités. - " I like doing activities


Madeline "J'aime colorier." – I like colouring


Bon courage pour les jours qui arrivent, restez positifs et n’oubliez pas que les activités envoyées à la maison ne sont que des activités suggérées.  Le bien-être de nos enfants est primordial.  Au plaisir de vous revoir bientôt. 



Hello Everyone,


Today, February 12, marks the end of the second week of school for all our students in Grades 1 to 6, well done!  And… it also marks the end of the first week at school for our Preps.  Congratulation to all !


The start of the school year has been very smooth, it was a real pleasure to welcome our new students.  This week, we took the time to explain to the children what is expected of them in primary school, and help them become more independent.  The routines are starting to settle in and the students are adjusting well.  They are learning to put their belongings away, follow the time table, respect class rules, sing to 100, recite rhymes and familiarise themselves with conflict management… There is not a dull moment in class! Here are some of the first impressions of our students when we asked them what they liked doing this week:


Naledi "I enjoyed doing the dragon." – J’ai aimé faire le dragon


Jonathan "I liked having fun with my teacher." – J’ai aimé rigoler avec ma maîtresse 


Antoine  “J’ai aimé découper.” I liked cutting


Archie  “J’ai aimé faire le dragon.” – I liked doing the dragon


Agathe  “J’ai aimé faire le set de table.” - I liked setting the table


Mila T “J’ai adoré jouer dehors.” – I liked playing outside


Valentine “Tout !” – Everything!


Lutece “J’ai aimé faire la stratégie des 5 doigts.” I liked doing the five fingers strategy


Nicolas “J’aime quand on range.” – I like when we tidy up


Theo “J’ai adoré jouer dehors.” – I loved playing outside


Camille M “J’ai aimé jouer avec mes amis.” – I liked playing with my firiends


Camille H "J’ai aimé le cirque.” – I liked doing circus


Aliyah "J'ai aimé colorier le dragon.” – I liked colouring the dragon


Ulysse "Moi j'ai aimé voir les copains dehors. " -  I liked seeing my friends outside


Mila "J'ai aimé la première fois que j’ai joué avec ma copine." – I liked the first time I played with my friend


Quentin "J'ai aimé faire des activités. - " I like doing activities


Madeline "J'aime colorier." – I like colouring


Stay strong for the few days ahead, stay positive and remember that the activities we are sending home are suggested but not compulsory.  Our students’ wellbeing is paramount. We look forward to seeing you again very shortly.


From Mrs. Hostein.

Curriculum Leader


Ask an Expert.


We have recently asked our CJC community to  complete the "Ask an expert contact form".

If you feel you can contribute to this inquiry initiative, please ensure you send your form to your child's classroom teacher as soon as possible.


Thank you