Primary Shine Program

English: Shine On Writing

This term our Shine students continued exploring the idea of their own personal voice in their writing. 

Mr Dickson had our young authors open up their 'suitcases' of word memories and draw out images and descriptions around the theme of rain... and even as the students were writing, the rain came down!


The rain sounds like the voices in a shopping mall.

The shower was soft like an angel dancing on the clouds.


The students created similes, extended them into unique metaphors, and then used these images to create their own Ezra Pound Couplets - small two line contrasts that amplify the effect of the image.


Rain is a million bass drums.

The downpour was a shattered mirror.


Our young writers then made that key phrase the centre of a Fibonacci Sonnet... and each and every sonnet was something that sounded like them, but with words that they had never used before.




Rain falls

But I'm inside

By the warm cozy fire

The splashing of rain was millions of cymbals

But inside I'm snuggling peacefully under the covers

Hugging tight my teddy bear

The storm's over

The sun






My View

Screaming and shouting

It seems to dislike me

The rain spreads underfoot, putting me off balance

Roughly pushing, calling her friends

Rushing towards me

Blurring vision




Allen Dickson

Primary Shine Program Teacher