Learning Superheroes Assemble!

We are all Learning Superheroes!

Written by Anna, Iclal & Alan on the 11th of October

The Learning Powers Performance (not to be confused with the end-of-the-year performance) was held on the 10th of October for all parents to see. 

All classes were participating to show the community all about our new learning superpowers. This was a great day as lots of encouraging parents were able to come to the school to watch their children participate in either a dance, song, or a play involving the 3 learning dispositions independence, determination, and reflection. 


The school has also fortunately recorded each of the classes’ performances on YouTube for any parents who unfortunately missed or were unable to attend their child’s performance. These performances included students wearing fun superhero outfits, props and even teachers rapping to follow the Learning Power Disposition theme.


What is the prize everyone is competing for?

Well, all the classes are competing for a all expenses paid for trip to the movies with popcorn provided for them for the winning class and teacher.  It is very exciting and interesting! But the parents are going to decide by voting on which video they think covered the new learning superpowers, were engaging and creative.