
Mr Campbell 

This week in wellbeing we have the following programs on offer:

Diversity Club – Tuesday lunchtime, Orange room 1.

Breakfast Club – Tuesday and Friday mornings, 8 – 8:40am, Red building.

DiSS (Doctors in Schools) – Monday, wellbeing centre, all day. Bookings can be made through the wellbeing team or directly through Mr. Paul Campbell via email, paul.campbell@education.vic.gov.au

City Of Casey:

City of Casey are offering single parenting sessions to support parents whose children are facing a significant transition – maybe they are returning to work (the parent, not the children!) and the children will be going to childcare for the first time; maybe there is a transition from kinder to Prep, or from Year 6 to Year 7; maybe there is another significant transition, such as moving to a new school, a parent getting married/separating, or other events which may be causing children to experience uncertainty? So many possibilities!


We are offering a FREE parenting session at the Cranbourne West Community Hub next Wednesday, 9th November, in the morning (9.15 – 11.15 a.m.). Parents can register using the QR code on the attached flyer, or through the Casey Council’s Try Booking link (https://www.trybooking.com/CCNMI). While pre-registration is preferred, I will accept registrations on the day.


Support Hotlines:

Parent line: 1300 301 300

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800

Orange Door: 1800 270 170

Mental Health Services: 1300 369 102

Headspace: 1800 650 890

Lifeline: 13 11 44