Student Voice

Mr Culbert

CESC Voice and Agency in Action

This month included the end of one Year 12 journey and the beginning of another. Both instances have a significant connection to Student Voice and Agency.


The Department of Education and Training (DET) suggests that Student Agency provides students "the power to direct and take responsibility for their learning." The photo below is just one example of the many revision sessions our outgoing Year 12s requested and voluntarily attended (in uniform) after their last official day of high school. 


Meanwhile, one of the most visible examples of Student Voice on campus is the Student Representative Council (SRC) and in particular the school captains. We recently opened applications to the 2023 Year 12 cohort for school captain. Seventeen students submitted applications to become a candidate. The number of applications received is impressive as are the thoughtful responses given by each of these students. In addition to the 2023 school captains who will be selected in November, our school is very fortunate to have such a strong group of student leaders in the 2023 class.