From the Principal 

Meagan Cook

What a fantastic start to Term 4 we have had!


On Friday 21 October we farewelled the class of 2022, after a week of activities and events the program culminated with a lap of honour through the College. 


Why a lap of honour you ask? 


The lap of honour provides students with an opportunity to reflect on their journey through the College. It is not just about their final year being celebrated, it is marking the end of 6 years of time well spent. As students walked through the College they were greeted with applause and celebrations from staff and students. As they entered the Agora, the sun was shining brightly and i believe that was a sign of the bright futures that they all have ahead of them. 


As they gathered a group of year 10 students began a Haka, this was an incredibly moving moment that demonstrated the respect our students have for each other. When some of the Year 12’s stood and responded with a Haka, I don’t think there was a dry eye in the audience. A community of some 2000 members was silent and enthralled.


The assembly that followed, with just our Year 12 students, was equally moving as they thanked their teachers and shared memories of the year. We welcomed back Ms Monaghan, who was their Year 7 Leader, she shared a letter that she wrote to them at the end of Year 7. 


We are very proud of the class of 2022, they have weathered 3 challenging years in education and we have loved playing a part in supporting them to achieve their dreams.


I wish those now undertaking their final exams the best of luck, but remind them that their ATAR does not define them. What defines them is the choices they make daily and the way they treat themselves and others!


This term we have welcomed Mr Paul Campbell to the College as the Assistant Principal Wellbeing & Positive Education. Mr Campbell has very quickly made his mark on both staff and students, his enthusiasm and energy is hard not to mimic when you are around him. I look forward to seeing the impact he has as he settles into his role this term. Mr Campbell will not only lead our Wellbeing Team (who are amazing) but he will be working to build the capacity of all staff to implement more proactive and preventative wellbeing and positive education programs and practices across every classroom. We are aiming to build the resilience of every student and staff member and give them all the opportunity to flourish and thrive at CESC.


I am pleased to share that a re-elected Labor Government has committed $597,000 to support CESC to develop a Covered Outdoor Learning Area to support our Health and PE programs. This is a project that we have already committed to delivering and we expect it to start during the school holiday period. This funding, if realised, will enable existing school funds to be directed to other school improvement initiatives. 


I want to personally thank Andrew Simmons one of the founders of the This is 'IT' Initiative. Andrew called at the end of last term and within 24 hours delivered 25 re-purposed laptops for us to support students who have been unable to purchase their own. There is more information about the This is 'IT' Initiative on the Digital Learning Page of this newsletter. 


The Department of Health recommends that a person who tests positive for COVID-19 should inform those with whom they have recently been in contact, including their workplace, schools and household.


Parents and carers are asked to continue to report positive student COVID-19 cases using the VicED COVID Tool. Alternative they are still invited to notify the school directly.


An isolation period of 5 days is still recommended when testing positive to COVID-19


Staff and students who wish to wear a face mask are supported to do so, and sub-schools have masks available for anyone that may want one.  In addition The Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who is a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 when leaving home. Additionally, the Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who has COVID-19, for at least 7 days after a positive test, when they need to leave home.