Important Dates

2022 End of Year Program and key dates (Step Up, Presentation Rehearsal and End of Year Activities)
Please find below information on the End of Year Program for students including key dates for Step Up, Presentation Night Rehearsal, End of Year Activities, and Academic Review Panels.
Step Up is the commencement of the 2023 academic year. Students are placed in their new Home Groups/classes and follow their 2023 timetable. This allows the students to meet their new teachers and get to know their classmates. In Step Up, teachers will also work with students to establish clear expectations and learning routines and assess students’ abilities prior to the beginning of the next year. In the senior years of schooling, the provision of a purposeful holiday homework program will also be included.
After Step Up, CESC students in years 7-9 (2022) have an opportunity to participate in a Cohort Activity and range of End of Year Activities. The College will host a range of curricular and co-curricular activities for students. More information will be made available in the coming weeks.
Students invited to the annual CESC Presentation Night will be required to attend a rehearsal for this event. No other students will be required to attend school on this day.
Academic Review Panels (ARPs) will run on the final two days of Term 4. Students will NOT be required to attend school on these days, unless invited to an appointment by the relevant Year Level Leader or Assistant Principal.
ARPs are a collaborative conversation involving a student, parent/guardian, and a school leader regarding reaching and exceeding potential. ARPs may include discussions and reflections on effort, engagement, attendance, and learning behaviours. Goals are set and continued connection across the subsequent academic year promotes growth and acknowledges achievement.