Year 12 Studio Arts

I am pleased to congratulate the Year 12 Studio Arts students, who have submitted their final artworks. Each of these artworks conclude a very significant studio process with a folio of experiments and developmental works. I am sure you will agree that they have done a stunning job!

Alix Molesworth
Caleb Ng
Caleb Ng
Emily Adams
Emily Adams
Ingrid Lee
Ingrid Lee
Nyaleah Jice
Nyeleti Mongwe
Nyeleti Mongwe
Sophia Tran
Sophia Tran
Alix Molesworth
Caleb Ng
Caleb Ng
Emily Adams
Emily Adams
Ingrid Lee
Ingrid Lee
Nyaleah Jice
Nyeleti Mongwe
Nyeleti Mongwe
Sophia Tran
Sophia Tran

Tom Gibbs 

Head of Visual Art

Primary Art

The Year 6 students reflected on their finished textiles artworks ranging from wet and dry felting to sewing, stencilling, and weaving.

The miniature ceramic houses and characters designed by Year 4 will be adapted into stop motion during Term 4, recreating the sculpture into many moving images.

The Year 3 fauvist self-portraits have been finished brilliantly as students stepped away from the realistic colours and reflected on mood and vivid, bright colours.

Year 2 students completed their character puppets. Can you guess which book each puppet is based on?

Prep students have focussed on movement, in water and on land, painting and collaging artworks of submarines and vehicles.

Maria Wheelton 

Primary Art Teacher

Year 9 Childhood Self Portraits


During the Year 9 2D Art elective, students used spray paint and stencils to explore the theme, “Who Am I?”. Students carefully chose colours and symbols that represented the unique attributes and qualities that God has put within each student for the sake of blessing others. 

Tom Gibbs

Head of Visual Art

Heidi Museum of Modern Art Excursion 

The Year 1 students were blessed with warm weather for their excursion to Heidi Museum of Modern Art. Students heard from art curators about modern sculptures and engaged in drawing activities.