
Young Eco-warrior

This is a little story to show that you are never too young to take action. Eleanor Sztrajt is 5 years old and upon discovering that certain species of her favourite animal (snakes!) are endangered she decided she wanted to make a difference - helping animals through raising money and awareness. 

After brainstorming ideas, Eleanor decided she wanted to set up a stall selling pictures and jewellery. She worked very hard creating her wares and was finally ready to set up her stall on Saturday 1st October. 


It was a massive success! It was so inspiring to see her confidently introduce herself and explain what she was doing. She was an amazing sales person and people were extremely generous. She managed to make a whopping $222.15 through both cash and pay ID sales which will all going to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). 



Amanda Sztrajt 

Sustainability Events & Resources

(Our school is not affiliated with any of these)

Aussie Bird Count

17–23 October 2022


The Aussie Bird Count is open to everyone – from complete beginners to certified birds-nerds! If you aren’t confident identifying local birds, we recommend you download Aussie Bird Count app which has a great field guide function for identifying birds based on their size, colour and key features.