Assistant Principal Report

Jayne Timms 

Community Events and Engagement Team 

Christmas Carols - Change of date 

Monday 5th December

Due to a clash with the Black Rock House carols we have changed the date of our carols to Monday 5th December. 


World Teacher's Day - Friday 28th October

We will be celebrating World Teachers Day with a special something for our BRPS teachers- keep a look out for more information from your class rep. 


Market Produce Sale Friday 21st October from 3:00pm

Thank you to families  for supporting our  market day. Year 4 students held a market  selling produce from the school's garden. 

All money from the sale of produce will go towards funding the garden program in the future. 


Election Day BBQ and Cake Sale

The state election is on 26th November. We will be holding a BBQ and a bake sale at the school. We ask for donations of baked goods  from our families. (no cream or goods that need refrigerating) 

Donations can be brought to the school staffroom on Friday 25th from 2:00pm.  

More information in coming weeks along with a link to a google form for volunteers to assist with the bake sale and BBQ.