School News

Due to a big reduction in COVID cases we are able to have parents/carers and families enter our classroom spaces again. This will start from Tuesday 18th October, the first day of Term 4. 

*Please note Monday 17th is a Student Free Day for staff learning.


When the music bell starts in the morning children and adults are again welcome to enter the unit spaces and classrooms. A reminder (as it has been a LONG time) that families please not enter buildings until the music bell starts at 3pm. We are very excited to have parents be able to come into classrooms again.


Students from Mr Cronin’s class and Mrs Jolley, Ms Martyne and Mr Kaesler’s class will be dismissed from their classes and the Northern carpark gate will no longer be open as this was a measure taken when we had to minimise the number of adults on site. The other reason for the gate not being open is a safety consideration as the classroom teachers will now dismiss from the classrooms, not near the gate.

If your child is in these classrooms please talk to them about where you will meet them with us going back to previous years dismissal routines.

If you have any questions regarding this please chat to your child’s classroom teacher.


Please know that your child has become very independent with their morning routines with you not being able to help them, due to the restrictions.

Continue to help them with their independence by letting them do all of their before school jobs by themselves and not doing it for them as they have become very capable throughout the year! 


Choir Congratulations


Mrs Thiele and Ms Hay have mentored and supported a number of our students who have given up one of their lunchtimes each week to be a part of our choir this year!

The choir will be performing at the Hopgood Theatre against other local schools in early November and we wish them the best!

Congratulations to Lily H and Izzy who were selected to perform solo performances on the evening! Well done to all of our students and our soloists – we know they will all do our school very proud!


Thank you to Mrs Thiele and Ms Hay for their passion and time to support our choir this year.


Exciting News…..

Our new oval playground re-development is finally starting after a long wait due to COVID delays!

Works will start in the first week of the school holidays and continue into the first few weeks of school. The site will be safely managed and fenced off so students will still have some access to the oval.

We will take photos of the progress and keep you updated. We are so excited that this long awaited project will be completed soon.


Make an offer – remove at own time and cost

There are a couple of metal playground pieces that we are offering to families for a cash payment. If you would like to make an offer please contact Ms Sally at school and it will go to the highest offer as the funds will go back into the playground fund.

The successful persons will be responsible for removal of the equipment by 4pm on Friday 30th September.


Playground equipment piece 1 – Monkey Bars

Playground equipment piece 2 – Swinging bars



Playground equipment piece 3 – Balance Beam


Kind regards

Ms Sally



Nationally Consistent Data Collection Process for 2022


Information for Parents/Carers

Please contact Principal Sally Slattery if you have any questions.




If your child has any health/medical challenges please complete a Health Care Plan via your GP and provide a copy to the school ASAP, preferably to Lee in the front Office. These need to be updated each year and all medications must be kept in the front office, not in students school bags. Please make sure any previous years medication kept in the office has not expired/is out of date.

We are a ‘Nut Aware School’ – whilst we do not ‘ban’ nut or other allergen foods at our school, please be mindful if teachers communicate that there is a child with a severe allergy in your child’s class to provide alternatives if you can. Please check in with the teacher if you have any questions regarding this.


Thank you!