Parents & Friends (P&F)

TERM 4 2022
Dear Families
At the end of October we celebrated World Teacher Day with a very special lunch hosted by the P&F for all of our wonderful St Joseph’s teaching community.
Thanks to all involved in preparing lunch and thanks to Johanna for the gorgeous flowers.
We also had a great afternoon at True South on Saturday. Thanks to Grace and Bridgette for organizing.
We also extend our thanks to local suppliers for their raffle prize donations :
True South
Davey Macs
Soul Athletic
Bayside Outdoor Fitness
Woolworths Black Rock
Shine Health
We can’t forget Ava for her affirmations on the raffle prizes - a true reflection of the St Joseph’s spirit!
What’s coming up:
Thursday 10th November - Milkshakes will be available during snack.
Friday 11th November - Sausage Sizzle After school
St Joseph’s will be a polling station at the state election on Saturday 26th November. This is a great opportunity to showcase our school and fundraise at the same time. You can help by getting involved in the worker bee (20th November), donating baked goods and/or your time. Check out operoo for details.
Also if you have any folding tressel tables that the school can borrow on Election Day please let Kelly Laird know. Tables can be dropped off to the well-being room on Friday 25th November.
Class Reps for 2022
Foundation & 1/2 Bridgette Conway
Grade 3 - Fleur Harber
Grade 4 - Michelle Sweeney
Grade 5/6 - Nel Els