Parents and Friends Association

🌭🌭 Election day sausage sizzle 🌭🌭

Thank you So much to Caroline Neske and Michael Prodan for you planning, preparation and running of the Election Day sausage sizzle!  It would not have run without you!


Thank you to Ricarda Lillie for assisting with ordering all the food stock in order for for the BBQ to run smoothly.


Special mention and huge thanks also goes to Caroline Neske and Rana Newland for clearing out the PFA storage room in the hall after a fire extinguisher left debris through the room and required all prior drinks donated to have to be discarded!  


Thank you also to Eastland for their last minute donation  of soft drinks, juice and water that replaced the drinks that had to be discarded and to Jodie Murphy for transporting them all to the school! 


The PFA Election day Sausage sizzle could not have run without all of our volunteers who helped throughout the day!


Thank you so much to:

Charles Davis

Luis Ackermann

Jaqueline Ferguson

Scott Furey

Scott Nixon

Nicole Kenway

Nikolai Johnston 

Donna Johnston 

Bec Allen

Ross Newland

Manoshi Ranadahu

Jacob Ainsworth

Eamon Ferguson


Without the support of all these people that day would not have run! 

Bogan Bingo update:

Thank you so much to the PFA and school community!  Final figure raised not yet confirmed however we are very excited to announce we have raised over $10,000!  What an amazing achievement!! 

For those who missed the Assembly last week here are some photos!