College Counsellor

Mrs Leanne Miller

Parenting can be hard and on really hard days, you can use this simple trick:


Take a deep breath and “Trade places”. To find out more, see the attached suggestion from ‘Big Life Journal”. 


For more information from “Big Life Journal” including “Why words matter“ -  BE Don't say You're making me so angry.pdf - Google Drive

The Fully Human Parent

This free webinar hosted by Wyndham City Youth Counselling Team will cover the following:

  • Calming anxiety in parents and kids
  • Helping children manage their emotions well
  • How to know what is right for you
  • Being at ease in a difficult world

To register, go to The Fully Human Parent - Steve Biddulph - Free Webinar | Wyndham City Tuesday, 8th November 2022, 7.30pm-8.45pm.

SchoolTV for Middle Years and Senior Years students and parents

SPECIAL REPORT: A Guide to Safe Partying Teenage gatherings provide young people with important opportunities to interact and build on their social skills and experiences. Celebrations, partying and socialising are a fundamental rite of passage and one of the most important aspects of a young person’s life. However, it is possible for the best young person to get carried away with their peers and the euphoria of the moment.


For parents and caregivers, keeping your young person safe can, at times, feel daunting and is often a compromise and a challenge. Most teenagers try to do the right thing most of the time, but your leadership as a role model is crucial. Your child may appear to be physically large and mature, but this is not necessarily matched by their emotional maturity and responsibility in behaviour.


Every party has the potential to get out-of-hand, as sometimes it’s hard for young partygoers to make good decisions. Communication and regular discussions are vital, particularly because young people are often faced with peer pressure to do things, they prefer not to engage in. Hosting a celebration at home or at a venue can be a fun and memorable event but it is important to agree on the ground rules well before your event is announced, to ensure there are no misunderstandings later on.


If hosting an event, you owe your guests a ‘duty-of-care’ and should ensure all reasonable steps are taken to keep partygoers safe. This Special Report provides caregivers with a list of things to consider when planning a celebration. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.


Here is the link to your special report: